Good easy to use nutes etc. for beginner


Just found a new hydro store about an hour away from me so I'll probably stop in there and get some Fox Farms soil. Still not sure on what else I wanna get, I'll keep reading.


Well-Known Member
I use Kellogs Patio Plus as a base soil and to start my seeds in. I don't feed anything at all until mid flower using nothing but the soil until I see that they need more. You don't HAVE to spend Hydro store prices for soil if you want to save a little $$$. :)


Well-Known Member
You will find little you want to use at lowes. Do you have a garden or farm supply store handy. A big ole bag of perlite is your friend. Too much is almost enough.

Be careful witb MG soil. The more water, the more nutes released. If you over saturate with water, you can burn the plants. You also don't want to go straight into it, in my opinion, with a clone, seed, or seedling. I use MG seed starter for that but mix it with about 30% plain perlite (not MG) from a garden store. Shit is also way cheaper at places that supply farmers! I got a 30-40 gallon bag of perlite for $15 as I recall.

I personally make my own mix and like it to have no nutes so I know what they are getting. It does come down to reading the plants. That is the hard part with soils full of nutes, you can't back off or feed plain water if need be.
This x100

MG is known to run hot! Be careful!


Decided to go with General Organics, haven't picked exactly what I wanna grow in. Sixstew was recommending something like Cocogrow so I will probably go one of those routes since he uses the General Organics also and does great.


Well-Known Member
Canna Nutrients is easy. They have a calculator on their website where you put in the size of your water container then it will tell you what to add in the chart. As long as you can follow the chart you're good.


Yeah the General Organics comes with a chart on paper for measurements per gallon, Sixstew said I could follow that exactly and he also showed me what he does.