good fertilizers to use


Well-Known Member
hi growing outside this summer for the first time, and someone on the site told me to use foxfarm fertilizer, but i can't find it anywhere. can anyone tell me another good fertilizer to use that is a little more common.

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
just buy the most expensive, and make sure it isnt high in acid. dont use mirical grow if you can help it.

you can order fox farm online though..


Well-Known Member with my next question you'll probably be able to tell im a beginner, but how do u fertilize the plants


Well-Known Member
Well with Fish-mix I give it about a tea spoon in 1.5 L of water ( that's for 2 plants)
if you've got more just do the maths, or look at the fert packet for instructions. You just give it to them like you give them water, or you can foliage feed.


Active Member
Here this what you can do goto Worm's Way - Gardening Products, Supplies, Service, Support, and Knowledge Base for all your hydroponics, indoor, outdoor and organic gardening needs, year 'round! you can find fox farm there once you have the nuts you need you can download a watering schedule from there site (Fox Farm) and it we tell you what nuts to use and when this should be very helpful. One thing to note is to use about half the amount that they list on there info if it says 2 teaspoons then use one if it says one then use half. It's better to use less than more under fertilizing is ok because you can always change and add more if needed but you can damage your plants by over fertilizing. Hope this helps you out.


You should order anything you need from
If you buy liquid nutrients they come in bottles and tell u how much to add per Gal of water.
Usually u feed your plants every other watering and should stop usuing nutrients a week or 2 before you harvest.
Good luck hope this helps!