good foliage, but slight curve


Well-Known Member
A couple of days ago I notice one of my plants blade tips where curved up and down. I first thought it was the fan, but then I notice that another had the same problem except they were all curve down. Its every leaf except for the bottom one. Can anybody help me?



Well-Known Member
I can't, no cam fella, but just picture regular good looking leaf but the the tip (1/4 & inch) bent down. Now my speculations are to much water or plant disease. I hope it is not the latter of the two.

Thanks for responding Phenom420


Well-Known Member
I'm a noob grower to begin with and I'm sorry sir I can't be of any help to ya.

Hope someone can help ya out.


Active Member
if its tighly curled its probably a pH problem, if its kinda dropping and curving you are probably overwatering