Good germination rates for RareD and Elemental seeds!

My wife was breaking up some True OG in yesterday and it smelled like cat piss pretty bad... It didnt have the smell during flower or the jar, so I really thought it was a cat!
I am still a novice, so I get into my jars after two weeks. They still need some cure time. Maybe the cat piss will be more pronounced in a couple more weeks. My other True OG was more on the fruity side. They both have the OG smell/flavor but not it is not prominent. They did yield better than my other OG's, but I would take my Ghost of LeeRoy over everything that I have!
Looks pretty decent. Not the greatest bag appeal ever, but certainly nothing to shy away from. Let us know how it smokes when it cures if you don't mind.
Thanks for the replys, looking good bdog, i got mine in the 420 promo and want to grow it outdoors next season (im aussie) its got what im looking for with the low smell and big yeilds!