Good Grow Room??? (Pictures)

Update: 2/26/10

By the way, BuddhaBud CAN post pics of his plant I dont mind and I would love to see the size comparison.



how close is the light? and what type of light is it?
ur doin 18/6 right?
Hey Danksta, we cant seem to get these bitches off the ground man!..
um go back to 24/0, more light the better, keeps ur lil cupboard warmer, just easier etc..24/0 works just fine.
but yeh somethinngs wrong man, i was gonna say that im quiet used to seedlings takin they slow ass time to get going but once they kick in then its on..but this shouldve happened for u by now..
maybe move ur lil set-up somewhere else in the house if u can, could be somethin up with the air where it is,..(these are just stabs in the dark man, gotta try somethin..)
blow some co2 in the cupboard a few times a day..
And wots it in? If its seed raising mix then there aint any nutes in that so hit her with something lightly..
Oh and can u put her outside during daylight hours and bring her back in at night? thatd do it.
Hey Danksta, we cant seem to get these bitches off the ground man!..
um go back to 24/0, more light the better, keeps ur lil cupboard warmer, just easier etc..24/0 works just fine.
but yeh somethinngs wrong man, i was gonna say that im quiet used to seedlings takin they slow ass time to get going but once they kick in then its on..but this shouldve happened for u by now..
maybe move ur lil set-up somewhere else in the house if u can, could be somethin up with the air where it is,..(these are just stabs in the dark man, gotta try somethin..)
blow some co2 in the cupboard a few times a day..
And wots it in? If its seed raising mix then there aint any nutes in that so hit her with something lightly..
Oh and can u put her outside during daylight hours and bring her back in at night? thatd do it.

ive already said my piece on 24/0 light cycles so ill leave that alone (except for mentioning that u no firsthand that changing the light cycle a bunch fucks with the growth, danky)
wouldnt put any nutes in... the cotyledons still have color so it hasnt even started looking for nutes in the soil - buttt, it probly wouldnt do much damage since she is like 3 weeks old or sumthin right?
..and temperature doesnt look like its a problem if its still where it was in the pics before (70's) - how cold do u let it get at night?

co2 i could see maybe, never hurts - and sunlight too would be straight if its a sunny day and not cold out, itll help it stretch a bit and speed up
ive already said my piece on 24/0 light cycles so ill leave that alone (except for mentioning that u no firsthand that changing the light cycle a bunch fucks with the growth, danky)
wouldnt put any nutes in... the cotyledons still have color so it hasnt even started looking for nutes in the soil - buttt, it probly wouldnt do much damage since she is like 3 weeks old or sumthin right?
..and temperature doesnt look like its a problem if its still where it was in the pics before (70's) - how cold do u let it get at night?

co2 i could see maybe, never hurts - and sunlight too would be straight if its a sunny day and not cold out, itll help it stretch a bit and speed up

Are u a highschool teacher or something?, i dont need my post checked and scrutinised by u..
The plant IS yellow btw, adjust ur resolution..
If ur going to give ppl shit for helping out then no-one will wanna post on DANKYS thread.., i was a regular contributor to his last thread btw..

I seen pics of ur shit..
I flower out 80 plants at a time, ive got pics if need be, so thats my credentials

This advice is for DANKY: dank if nothing changes then NOTHING changes, know wot i mean..something has to change here bcos it aint going great..
And i just didnt even bother suggesting more light bcos A) danky has always said thats not even an option B) ive got no exp with cfl's
Are u a highschool teacher or something?, i dont need my post checked and scrutinised by u..
The plant IS yellow btw, adjust ur resolution..
If ur going to give ppl shit for helping out then no-one will wanna post on DANKYS thread.., i was a regular contributor to his last thread btw..

I seen pics of ur shit..
I flower out 80 plants at a time, ive got pics if need be, so thats my credentials

This advice is for DANKY: dank if nothing changes then NOTHING changes, know wot i mean..something has to change here bcos it aint going great..
And i just didnt even bother suggesting more light bcos A) danky has always said thats not even an option B) ive got no exp with cfl's

damn dude if u want him to be the only one to read it then send it as a personal message - i was doin the same thing as u, addin my opinion
no shit the plants yellow i said that earlier
did i ever question your credentials? or you? your growing skills, or plants?
n u were right not to suggest more light, a 23 watt 5500k is fine for one seedling


-tight-assed know-it-alls like u are the ones that keep makin me wanna unsubscribe to this thread even though dankys appreciated my advice through the grow -and the last one (i was a 'regular contributer' to that one too, so whoopdy fuckin doo why doesnt he give us a medal or sumthin):lol:
anyways dont suck ur own dick to the point where u think ur the only one that can give advice- ur not

as for givin shit, read our posts man i didnt give u any shit and then u come up tryin to say "oh, oh, i no ur grow, i no ur grow, i got 80 goin at once" :cuss:
sorry i have a real job and not the space to grow for a living
I think his threads should be called hater thread. Everyone just calm down. But IMO you need a night time. Again, IN MY OPINION. But don't give them nutes yet. How old is she because at three weeks mine is 7 nodes high. But back the light off a little so she stretches a bit and gives it some upward growth. You shouldn't need more light because you have to keep in mind that plants don't get full sunlight ALL day long. Just be patient and she should bounce back. ALL OF THIS IS MY OPINION SO DO NOT HATE IT.
damn dude if u want him to be the only one to read it then send it as a personal message - i was doin the same thing as u, addin my opinion
no shit the plants yellow i said that earlier
did i ever question your credentials? or you? your growing skills, or plants?
n u were right not to suggest more light, a 23 watt 5500k is fine for one seedling


-tight-assed know-it-alls like u are the ones that keep makin me wanna unsubscribe to this thread even though dankys appreciated my advice through the grow -and the last one (i was a 'regular contributer' to that one too, so whoopdy fuckin doo why doesnt he give us a medal or sumthin):lol:
anyways dont suck ur own dick to the point where u think ur the only one that can give advice- ur not

as for givin shit, read our posts man i didnt give u any shit and then u come up tryin to say "oh, oh, i no ur grow, i no ur grow, i got 80 goin at once" :cuss:
sorry i have a real job and not the space to grow for a living
did u even read my post u cak sakkin fuck?????????
i was passing on my opinions and u came along to critique ME u douche fuck

WHOS coming off as a know-it-all??? u are, ill say again re-read my reply to ur JUDGING of my advice..
Seriously read it without the attitude..
And u compare me to the know-it-all peeps too?!?!

Ill extend the olive branch for :peace:, ok, seriously i dont want to even get into this shit..
I wont post on here anymore to save the argument, cool:peace:

TO DANK: u have rootage, good shit.. laters.
I think his threads should be called hater thread. Everyone just calm down. But IMO you need a night time. Again, IN MY OPINION. But don't give them nutes yet. How old is she because at three weeks mine is 7 nodes high. But back the light off a little so she stretches a bit and gives it some upward growth. You shouldn't need more light because you have to keep in mind that plants don't get full sunlight ALL day long. Just be patient and she should bounce back. ALL OF THIS IS MY OPINION SO DO NOT HATE IT.

haha, love the disclaimer n i agree with all that^
but wait!!!- dont u know streetlegal said differently about the light? that overrides opinion, duhhh (maybe its cus i quoted his post as a reference to agree with parts. u are wise to stay to urself, haha)

did u even read my post u cak sakkin fuck?????????
i was passing on my opinions and u came along to critique ME u douche fuck

WHOS coming off as a know-it-all??? u are, ill say again re-read my reply to ur JUDGING of my advice..

wow! :lol:

danky- still small but shes comin along- im surprised at the amount of roots showin for that size of a plant!