Good HELP is hard to find. Help SAVE my PLANTS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So this is what happened..... I do not grow in or anywhere near MY home, so I give somebody a generous amount of my yields to take care and look after my grow. I do not go to the spot very often because there should be know need too. I talk to him regularly and he had been telling me that everything was going GREAT.
A few days ago I went to check on his, and the plants progress. as soon as I opened the bud room door I Knew I had a BIG PROBLEM. It is the start of week 4 and the buds are no fatter then a dime. But the plants were growing tall and bushy. From this I could tell that the LIGHT Sedual was WRONG. My plant were getting 13.5 hours of light for the last 4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!

I changed the timer to 11 hours 45min of light. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN?????
Should I just kill him NOW?? :fire:
I guess this is why they say "If you want somthing done right you have to do it yourself."

Yah man Cowboy up and bring them babys home. I'd be damned if im going to invest all my cash in equipment and seeds and let some one else do the work and get the Ganja. can you really call your self a grower if your not the one growing it. I mean if he gets busted are you going to say "oh hold on officer those are my plants". Doubt it!!!. Not trying to rag or troll on you bro. Just like you said up top "do it yourself" if you want it done right. If not dont complaine its your own fault.
Na man Macedonia Eastern Europe. I'm from the South East US. Met my wife in Iraq she is from here. We just had a son yesterday.

sorry to rag on you by the way. im just a do it my self tell no one kinda guy. Ya know.
First of all I live in an apartment 2nd so does my 3 year old son. Growing in my home is not an option or a risk I would ever take. Would I say they were mine if he got busted?? Hell no, Thats why he gets paid good. And do I consider myself a grower?? YES. Without my equipment, genetics, and spacific instructions/grow guide that I wrote for him to follow there would be no grow at all.

And I do all the important things like, Germing, cloning, toping, LST, transplanting, harvasting, manicuring, resivior flushing/cleaning and refilling/adjusting them.
He just has to do top offs, raise lights, and do a daily check on THE EQUIPTMENT (Like the timers)
thats whats up Cheesey. sorry agian. as for your original post i would go 12 12 from here on out. FYI if your employee is messing up better start searching for some one else. LOL j/K good luck with your harvest. Hope for no hermies.
Just grow until they are finished.. Overall yield may be smaller than it would have been but you don't really have any way to check what your yield would have been or is going to be :) and be patient
Just get them on 12/12 and give them a little more time and you should be fine. Waiting is a bitch though. You might lose a little weight, but not too much I hope.

I have been doing a perpetual grow, harvesting every 3 weeks or so. Changed from hydro to dirt recently, and now I have about an 8 week wait. Hope I kept enough to get me through till July!