Good location for a grow room?


Active Member
I was wondering if guys think it would be a good idea to start a grow room in a storage unit. I'm sure I can find a unit that will be big enough. Obviously, there are going to be some negatives to renting out a storage unit, and I was wondering if you all could help me find some negative reasons.


Well-Known Member
I hope your not talking about one of those self-storage units you rent out with numerous other units around it..... Thats just WAY to risky imo. How would people visiting their storage unit around yours not hear your fans running....smell.... etc Hopefully you get my drift. I say if your not sure about your location, then dont even try it at all. Or just go micro!~


Well-Known Member
well theirs lights already in the storage unit, and the one my sister owns has a hps bulb for a light in it, not to mention a few plug ins, but like i said this is a huge risk, so no way in hell you could run 1000's of watts without someone noticing.

just a bad idea, maybe someone does it and has done it for 20 years without getting caught, but from the way I see it this is a bad idea.

And, possibly you could use a generator if you could somehow exhaust the fumes/heat out of the unit, but then we get back to sound/smell, this is just a plain no go, unless you plan to run a rack of cfls with batteries running them, completely steatlh.

gl and happy new years!


Active Member
Dude I used to work at a mini-storage unit company. Trust me, this is NOT a good idea. We were always looking out for people growing. Don't do it.