Good marijuana

His problem is that he's not a kid anymore but still not yet a man. So it's that uneasy feeling of being lost and not knowing where to go or how to get there. See, this is the problem when the man of the house runs off and leaves a woman to raise a young man. No offense to all the single moms out there doing what they have to do for their babies. My point is he needs a foot up his ass from the old man. To light a fire because this boy has zero get up and go.

I been tryim to put him on.
Get under a real gs wing.

He an hr away from me..

He be dodgin and duckin though What up
Jesse og, brainstorming about potential ideas for your future may help. You've got access to a lot of experience here so you should capitalize on that available knowledge. we already know you haven't been working, so it's not like you have to hide that bit of info. You just need a career that is a good match for you.

Man, there is no good reason for you to know my goals, im 20 you're. Like 40, and you're a stranger. There is no way you can aid me in achieving my goals, so therefore again i will not tell you my goals
You have access to a killer mastermind group and you're just fiddling around on the internet like a teenager, man i thought you were smarter than that.
Man, there is no good reason for you to know my goals, im 20 you're. Like 40, and you're a stranger. There is no way you can aid me in achieving my goals, so therefore again i will not tell you my goals
im only 27 man, run a business and do pretty well. seriously. its all about having a plan and just sticking to it no matter what. get into a trade, master it and do some nice work for a couple customers on the side, then youll get more from word of mouth. then start your own thing up. its a hell of a lot better working for yourself than some other asshole.
thats a serious comment
God damn Jesse you are so bitter at such a young age. Sure you get razzed here but you've also gotten a shit ton of good advice as well. I really doubt anyone here really hates you and wishes troubles for you. If everyone was like you though, humans would never have evolved or progressed. Someone is older and a stranger, therefore nothing they say can be helpful to you? Really? If anything, take Qwizo up on his offer, at the very very least it would be a fun afternoon, probably get fed and have a new experience. That's a win in anyone's book.
God damn Jesse you are so bitter at such a young age. Sure you get razzed here but you've also gotten a shit ton of good advice as well. I really doubt anyone here really hates you and wishes troubles for you. If everyone was like you though, humans would never have evolved or progressed. Someone is older and a stranger, therefore nothing they say can be helpful to you? Really? If anything, take Qwizo up on his offer, at the very very least it would be a fun afternoon, probably get fed and have a new experience. That's a win in anyone's book.

Plus Q's got the bomb-ass drugs. If nothing else, Jessie could get all kinds of fucked up...