Good News.. I swear!!

Well lets see Bobby Boy....... Is that my quote???????


Memory going???????

You remember facts???? why dont you post whos quote that is?????

Hmmmmm I wonder. propaganda much??? how bout just straight up lies.

My appologies..It was corey And trevor. But then again, you have the same viewpoint..easy for me to confuse. Same simple mentality.

Apologies again..

See how easy it is to say your sorry?

And that's the difference between you and I. I can admit an error.
Have you figured out that it is not my quote yet? Or did you already know that when you posted it?????

Am I smart enough to bait you like that? Had to be have said over and over that I'm ignorant.

No possible way I could have known it wasn't you...
I admit my errors. Let me know when you find one involving me and you. You only admit errors when they are pointless and mean nothing however when you error the many times that you do on everything else you just gloss over it like it never happened and start making up some other shit.

For the sake of the others I will stop. I do not want everyone else to have to deal with me serving your ass up AGAIN.
Am I smart enough to bait you like that? Had to be have said over and over that I'm ignorant.

No possible way I could have known it wasn't you...

Of course you couldnt have known it wasnt me. What would I have expected you to look at who actually wrote it before you go accusing? How foolish of me.....
Back to the celebration.....

I admit my errors. Let me know when you find one involving me and you. You only admit errors when they are pointless and mean nothing however when you error the many times that you do on everything else you just gloss over it like it never happened and start making up some other shit.

For the sake of the others I will stop. I do not want everyone else to have to deal with me serving your ass up AGAIN.

Ozz..God I love your consistency...and your self love..Like I just need some one to hate.

But come and corey and trevor are really easy to alike.
So I might as well have beaten a guy in a wheelchair up huh? See that how you think bobby. And you treat patients the same way and that really bothers me.


I am a man of my word and I will now stop thrashing and crushing bobby....

I am gonna medicate feel free to do the same.
Back to the celebration.....


You celebrate..I'll work on anticipating and heading off the next attack on the law....Get your plants out on the screened in porch man...All big ones in flower too...After all..that card protects you.

The problem I have with you and that neither of you has the ability to even conceive that the cops would look for a new avenue to arrest people using the law to grow for profit. And it's sad that some people really trying to comply, may pay a price for listening to your bravado, and believing what you think...
So I might as well have beaten a guy in a wheelchair up huh? See that how you think bobby. And you treat patients the same way and that really bothers me.


I am a man of my word and I will now stop thrashing and crushing bobby....

I am gonna medicate feel free to do the same.

Your words not mine. See that's what you do. I simply said that your posts and thoughts are similar and easy to confuse. The problem is how you take everything as confrontational. If the view point isn't totally "fuck the government' don't like the comment.

You could have simply said 'yeah, cory and trevor and I have similar views, I can understand how you might confuse us"..but have to throw fuel on a fire...which he would do too...see how I get you confused?

I stand by my statement: You and cory and trevor..even timmah sometimes...might as well be the same guy. Thought process, belligerence level, overthrow mentality..all the same. easy to confuse....

I apologize again, but you three all sound the same to me...
BOB, WTF!!!! If you wish we all had this freedom then why in the name of sweet fuck and all that is holy do you act like a such a fucking cry baby dick when you hear someone is using medical to be legal and isn't bleeding out their fucking eyeballs? You are all so full of shit you''ve stunk the place up. Like I said, keep alienating all the "stoner voters" just trying to get high you stupid shits, piss off everyone that isn't half dead for being a profiteer and hiding behind a card. I hide from no man, I'd love for all of us to stop hiding behind the internet to make you're stupid fucking pointless points. Face to dickface you wouldn't spout off like this, I on the other hand though would relish the chance. I've hit a guy on crutches before a wheelchair isn't far off if your mouth needs checked in. I'm an equal oportunity criminal/mean bastard/profiteer. I'm with dude from the UK here; meds my arse (ass on this side of the pond) if booze slowed down Michael J fox's shaking like a dog shitting razor blades he'd be a medical user and I'd be a drunk right? fuck you all it's pot, same as it was before man outlawed it and same now and same after we're gone and the good herb is left without humans fighting over who can use it and grow it and sell or not sell it. You're the only one who can do it right and the only righteous user on the planet Bob. fuck off and die so the next cat with MS doesn't have suffer without weed cuz you single-handedly pist off the whole MMM community with your idiocy. inclusionary not exclusionary stupid, you want support-support others you fucking idiot. you're good at 2 things, taking air decent people could be breathing and wasting it on yourself for idiotic rants and pissing off voters you think are pot heads who supported the vote in the first place. I swear to christ if I knew I'd be hopping mad over some shit bag MS patient on the fucking internet talking shit to me about medical pot I never EVER EVER would have voted for it, I'd have followed the petition collector a house ahead to warn them not to sign it. If only I knew bob before the vote, could have saved all that time I spent working to get this thing passed and just said fuck you cripples I can grow stealth for myself y'all can fuck off and die in shit soaked diapers. I'm going to go get high now, it's not medicating cuz bob said so I'm jsut getting high. He is medicating I'm jsut getting stoned but hey, if this coronary I'm having after reading your shit posts leaves me sick enough I can call it medicating....with Bob's say so that is. GoddddDamn and fuck all!!!!!

There ya go..whole quote. Threat highlighted. You are one bad, bad, man...

roflmao! Looks like you had cory fired right the fuck up!! That is awesome. I could hear him screaming as I read that and it wasn't in caps. lol.
roflmao! Looks like you had cory fired right the fuck up!! That is awesome. I could hear him screaming as I read that and it wasn't in caps. lol.

Yea, corey can get going...Timmah and Ozz are kinda the same way. It's the main reason that I woyuld not want them speaking for me.

They all get far to colorful and accusatory and belittling in their arguments to get any respect form a highly educated opponent. I'm not saying me as highly intelligent, but a Police officer, judge, Senator congressman type would dismiss them in a second as zealots.

You have to stay calm and controlled to be listened to..they don't.

Funny thing is they seem to hunt in a pack too...haven't heard from any of them for weeks..then they all jump in at once.....nippy little pack creatures...
As I have often noted. I give it as I get it. you act like an ass, you get an ass.. you act like a human, you ll get a human, i get all, Too Far and Too Colorful here because honestly, its fucking RIU for fuck sakes. lol This Isnt the Public forum for the world politics for cannabis buddy. lol

This is a world wide forum full of mostly anti control, anti gov, pot smokers for the most part, and you want to act like its a public forum that is the basis for reason on cannabis policy world wide. lol We dont need another NORML. RIU is not the limelight on Michigan Medical Cannabis Politics and Policy... Its just another forum like the 3MA or 3MG ect...

But all have members that are recently very involved in the last year of recent illegal raids, arrests, persecutions and prosecutions being aggressively pushed by Bill Schuette and the Prosecution Crew.

But the Most important thing you and so many others missed, is what fight was the one to be in. Instead of trying to allow illegal changes via false legislation (regardless of how you spin it bob, THEY ALL KNEW and KNOW and Fully understand now, that this was a People's Initiative, and It deserves the Full weight of that Fact of Law), most of you should of seen this for what it was, a Burglary in Progress, and it was the Government and Bill Schuette attempting to steal your Vote and Personal Liberty, and a Fuck of a lot of people's freedom in the process.
But no, cant fight the Hard fight, the Right fight, Its So much easier and less stressful to let your liberties and freedoms be stolen.

Fucking Freedom is just TOO HARD. BULL SHIT I Say.

I read it to the Legisative Hearing during my personal testimony to the Judiciary by reading the MSC Ruling of 1967, that Specifically spells out how a People's Initiative SHOULD Be Read, Interpreted, and Understood by all parts of the Michigan Government, ie, the Legislation (house and senate), Judiciary, including the Office of the State AG, and the Government, including the Governor.

The MSC stated within the ruling, pages 9, through the first 1/2 of page 15.

The MMMA was proposed in a citizen’s initiative petition, was elector-approved
in November 2008, and became effective December 4, 2008.

22 The purpose of the MMMA is to allow a limited class of individuals the medical use of marijuana, and the
act declares this purpose to be an “effort for the health and welfare of [Michigan] citizens.”

23 To meet this end, the MMMA defines the parameters of legal medicalmarijuana use, promulgates a scheme for regulating registered patient use and
administering the act, and provides for an affirmative defense, as well as penalties for
violating the MMMA.
The MMMA does not create a general right for individuals to use and possess
marijuana in Michigan. Possession, manufacture, and delivery of marijuana remain
punishable offenses under Michigan law.

24 Rather, the MMMA’s protections are limited
to individuals suffering from serious or debilitating medical conditions or symptoms, to
the extent that the individuals’ marijuana use “is carried out in accordance with the
provisions of [the MMMA].”

25 The cases before us involve two sections of the MMMA that provide separate
protections from prosecution for offenses involving marijuana. The first, § 4, MCL
333.26424, grants “qualifying patient”

26 who hold “registry identification card”

27 broad immunity from criminal prosecution, civil penalties, and disciplinary actions, and
provides in part:

A qualifying patient who has been issued and possesses a registry
identification card shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in
any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to
civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or
professional licensing board or bureau, for the medical use of marihuana
in accordance with this act, provided that the qualifying patient possesses
an amount of marihuana that does not exceed 2.5 ounces of usable
marihuana, and, if the qualifying patient has not specified that a primary
caregiver will be allowed under state law to cultivate marihuana for the
qualifying patient, 12 marihuana plants kept in an enclosed, locked facility.

27 “Registry identification card” is defined as “a document issued by the [Department of
Community Health] that identifies a person as a registered qualifying patient or registered
primary caregiver.” MCL 333.26423(i).

28 The MMMA defines “medical use” to mean “the acquisition, possession, cultivation,
manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana
or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marihuana to treat or alleviate a
registered qualifying patient’s debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated
with the debilitating medical condition.” MCL 333.26423(e).

Any incidental amount of seeds, stalks, and unusable roots shall also be
allowed under state law and shall not be included in this amount.

[29] The second provision, § 8, MCL 333.26428, applies to “patients” generally, provides an
affirmative defense to charges involving marijuana for its medical use, and states in
relevant part:

(a) Except as provided in [MCL 333.26427], a patient and a patient’s
primary caregiver, if any, may assert the medical purpose for using
marihuana as a defense to any prosecution involving marihuana, and this
defense shall be presumed valid where the evidence shows that:
(1) A physician has stated that, in the physician’s professional
opinion, after having completed a full assessment of the patient’s medical
history and current medical condition made in the course of a bona fide
physician-patient relationship,
the patient is likely to receive therapeutic
or palliative benefit from the medical use of marihuana to treat or alleviate
the patient’s serious or debilitating medical condition or symptoms of the
patient’s serious or debilitating medical condition;
(2) The patient and the patient’s primary caregiver, if any, were
collectively in possession of a quantity of marihuana that was not more than
was reasonably necessary to ensure the uninterrupted availability of
marihuana for the purpose of treating or alleviating the patient’s serious or
debilitating medical condition or symptoms of the patient’s serious or
debilitating medical condition; and (3) The patient and the patient’s primary caregiver, if any, were engaged in the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use,
delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating
to the use of marihuana to treat or alleviate the patient’s serious or
debilitating medical condition or symptoms of the patient’s serious or
debilitating medical condition.
(b) A person may assert the medical purpose for using marihuana in
a motion to dismiss, and the charges shall be dismissed following an
evidentiary hearing where the person shows the elements listed in
subsection (a).
(c) If a patient or a patient’s primary caregiver demonstrates the
patient’s medical purpose for using marihuana pursuant to this section, the
patient and the patient’s primary caregiver shall not be subject to the
following for the patient’s medical use of marihuana:
(1) disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional
licensing board or bureau; or
(2) forfeiture of any interest in or right to property.

Our consideration of the availability of the affirmative defense in § 8 and the
immunity conferred under § 4 is guided by the traditional principles of statutory
construction. However, because the MMMA was the result of a voter initiative, our goal
is to ascertain and give effect to the intent of the electorate, rather than the Legislature, as
reflected in the language of the law itself.

31 We must give the words of the MMMA their
ordinary and plain meaning as would have been understood by the electorate. 32

Clearly, § 4 applies only to “qualifying patients” who have obtained registry cards.
Under this section, those patients are provided broad immunity from “arrest, prosecution,
or penalty in any manner” and protection from the denial of “any right or privilege,
including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or
occupational or professional licensing board or bureau,” provided that these patients
possess not more than 2.5 ounces of usable marijuana and 12 marijuana plants kept in “an
enclosed, locked facility.”
Additional protections in § 4 prohibit the denial of custody
or visitation with a minor based on the medical use of marijuana in accordance with the
and provide a presumption that registered cardholders possessing an
appropriate amount of marijuana are engaged in the medical use of marijuana.

Comparatively, § 8 provides an affirmative defense to “patients” or “a person”
As the prosecution in both cases concedes, the language of § 8 permits those
individuals who are not registered cardholding patients to assert the § 8 affirmative
Under § 8, a patient in any criminal prosecution involving marijuana may
establish an affirmative defense requiring dismissal of the charges if the patient can
establish that (1) “[a] physician has stated that, in the physician’s professional opinion,
after having completed a full assessment of the patient’s medical history and current
medical condition made in the course of a bona fide physician-patient relationship, the
patient is likely to receive therapeutic or palliative benefit from the medical use of
marihuana,” (2) the patient did not possess an amount of marijuana that was more than
“reasonably necessary” for this purpose, and (3) the patient’s use was “to treat or
alleviate the patient’s serious or debilitating medical condition or symptoms . . . .”
protections afforded a patient under § 8 are much less broad than those provided under
§ 4 and extend only to prosecutions involving marijuana, disciplinary actions by a
business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, and forfeiture of any
interest in or right to property.

So, with this bit of info from the MSC, No changes are needed, but rather the Act needs to be PROPERLY Applied and Implimented Per the Vote and Voice of the People.

Thus ALL Current Legislation needs to be scrapped and re started With the People Intent taken into account, IE AS THE ACT READS, just as I have been saying day in and day out for over a year now when these false arrests started happening. It was late 09, when I came to the game, so was unaware of Bob and Torey, or Sal and Barb Agro or Joe Casias until about a yr ago...

So you ll forgive me if I dont bow to your willingness to set and do nothing bob. So dont EVER accuse me of doing nothing, I have done more in 2 weeks on this issue, than you could hope to muster enough courage up to do in a lifetime son.
As I have often noted. I give it as I get it. you act like an ass, you get an ass.. you act like a human, you ll get a human, i get all, Too Far and Too Colorful here because honestly, its fucking RIU for fuck sakes. lol This Isnt the Public forum for the world politics for cannabis buddy. lol

This is a world wide forum full of mostly anti control, anti gov, pot smokers for the most part, and you want to act like its a public forum that is the basis for reason on cannabis policy world wide. lol We dont need another NORML. RIU is not the limelight on Michigan Medical Cannabis Politics and Policy... Its just another forum like the 3MA or 3MG ect...

But all have members that are recently very involved in the last year of recent illegal raids, arrests, persecutions and prosecutions being aggressively pushed by Bill Schuette and the Prosecution Crew.

But the Most important thing you and so many others missed, is what fight was the one to be in. Instead of trying to allow illegal changes via false legislation (regardless of how you spin it bob, THEY ALL KNEW and KNOW and Fully understand now, that this was a People's Initiative, and It deserves the Full weight of that Fact of Law), most of you should of seen this for what it was, a Burglary in Progress, and it was the Government and Bill Schuette attempting to steal your Vote and Personal Liberty, and a Fuck of a lot of people's freedom in the process.
But no, cant fight the Hard fight, the Right fight, Its So much easier and less stressful to let your liberties and freedoms be stolen.

Fucking Freedom is just TOO HARD. BULL SHIT I Say.

I read it to the Legisative Hearing during my personal testimony to the Judiciary by reading the MSC Ruling of 1967, that Specifically spells out how a People's Initiative SHOULD Be Read, Interpreted, and Understood by all parts of the Michigan Government, ie, the Legislation (house and senate), Judiciary, including the Office of the State AG, and the Government, including the Governor.

The MSC stated within the ruling, pages 9, through the first 1/2 of page 15.

So, with this bit of info from the MSC, No changes are needed, but rather the Act needs to be PROPERLY Applied and Implimented Per the Vote and Voice of the People.

Thus ALL Current Legislation needs to be scrapped and re started With the People Intent taken into account, IE AS THE ACT READS, just as I have been saying day in and day out for over a year now when these false arrests started happening. It was late 09, when I came to the game, so was unaware of Bob and Torey, or Sal and Barb Agro or Joe Casias until about a yr ago...

So you ll forgive me if I dont bow to your willingness to set and do nothing bob. So dont EVER accuse me of doing nothing, I have done more in 2 weeks on this issue, than you could hope to muster enough courage up to do in a lifetime son.

You have no idea the work I have done...countless hours. Well before there was a med law. Or the work I do now. I've forgotten more than you will ever learn. Your agenda is personal recognition..but you have no substance. You scream for legalization while pretending to be are clueless as to making things happen, but willing to claim you did it after the fact.

I really feel quite sorry for you. Your just a loud small dog, waiting to get kicked.

And i'm certainly not your 'son'.
The SC ruling will not benefit the profiteers. It will benefit the many patients that have and will be railroaded and not allowed their defense.

Of course leo and the pa's will try to monkey with it just like they have been all along. Which is what I have said many times and you bob claim it does not happen.
Leo does no wrong and they do not arrest, charge and up until this ruling prosecute patients (without their rightful defense) that were legal. Now you say the leo will monkey with it. I thought they did not do that bob?
You have no idea the work I have done...countless hours. Well before there was a med law. Or the work I do now. I've forgotten more than you will ever learn. Your agenda is personal recognition..but you have no substance. You scream for legalization while pretending to be are clueless as to making things happen, but willing to claim you did it after the fact.

I really feel quite sorry for you. Your just a loud small dog, waiting to get kicked.

And i'm certainly not your 'son'.

wow, protective of that done nothing for your own freedom position, arnt you son?
(I know you arent my son. If you were It would make me change my mind and become pro choice....between a son like you, and drain babies. drain babies will win every time). the Reference of you in the word "Son" is not to a biological connection reference, but rather to a Mental Position and a state of being thing.
though unfortunately, all is ultimately connected.

but you are correct this one time bob, so you can have your wish, your not a son, hell you arn't even made it past papoose in your mental progression, and here I am a great, great, grandpa by compairrison.
wow, protective of that done nothing for your own freedom position, arnt you son?
(I know you arent my son. If you were It would make me change my mind and become pro choice....between a son like you, and drain babies. drain babies will win every time). the Reference of you in the word "Son" is not to a biological connection reference, but rather to a Mental Position and a state of being thing.
though unfortunately, all is ultimately connected.

but you are correct this one time bob, so you can have your wish, your not a son, hell you arn't even made it past papoose in your mental progression, and here I am a great, great, grandpa by compairrison.

great great grandpa? That explains the delusions..thanks
The SC ruling will not benefit the profiteers. It will benefit the many patients that have and will be railroaded and not allowed their defense.

Of course leo and the pa's will try to monkey with it just like they have been all along. Which is what I have said many times and you bob claim it does not happen.
Leo does no wrong and they do not arrest, charge and up until this ruling prosecute patients (without their rightful defense) that were legal. Now you say the leo will monkey with it. I thought they did not do that bob?

Ozz, you are soooo clueless to how things work.

The patients and CG's and Dispensary owners were the ones 'monkeying' with the law...the cops and prosecutors simply trying to keep things under control. The first round of arrest were justified. They were all people testing the limits of the law. The cops just said "thanks, we needed an arrogant ass hole to arrest, just so we can learn how this law will be interpreted"

Cops and prosecutors have learned a lot with these rulings. Too bad you have not.

The Supreme Court stepped in and told the cops and prosecutors:The cannabis law is valid..bust real criminals. Here is a new guide line..and issued a ruling.

They made it clear that card holders have defenses, and in many cases should be left alone. They defined the defenses, and made it clear how and when they can be used. Then the justices said to themselves: Can't wait for the next round. We have given the people that are legit a good ruling. Now the assholes will try and take advantage of it, and well start to get the real "drug dealers".

They are so waiting to uphold a conviction on "intent to over produce" or what ever the official charge becomes. They have fools like you all set up. One small section 4..could be a clone issue, now you have to use section 8....6 fully mature plants? Really officer, how much did that dry out to? 18oz's? Then the turns to you and says: "what is your medical condition"? tell him arthritis...the judge says: 18oz is not reasonable, nor would a reasonable jury think so. Your defense is denied.

That quick..that simple..that painful.

The cops goal is to simply stop punks from getting cards to grow pot for profit. There are plenty doing that. The SC will rule to stop it as well.

You have no idea of what's coming. But you encourage everyone to naive
The real problem with Timmahh and Ozz type logic..Is that they don't understand what "the peoples intent" was when this law passed.

It wasn't to create a free market economy in cannabis. It wasn't to allow every person with a hang nail to become a grower. It was to help sick people.

They hang on to "intent of the people" yet what they want is nothing like the intent of the voters.

What happened to the signature drive for legalization? Having a little trouble getting signatures? Where did that 63% of the voters go?

They won't sign it, because they see what 's been done to abuse the med law. I know this, because I have asked them to sign it. getting signatures for the med law was easy...for legalization, the same people won't sign...weird.

You just think that the 63% were like you, and wanted cannabis for all, when in fact, the voters that carried this wanted sick people to have meds.....

and therein lies the problem with you logic.