Good News.. I swear!!

Congrats on livin one more.

Ask ur sis if she made that decision based on best for her or best for him?

She had like a solid week of clarity between the county and rehab. Once she met some friends and dudes at rehab, stories started getting more and more full of shit. It's nothing I haven't went through. But I never took a child through that bullshit. Maybe pops will sober up long enough for one real good "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" rant. lol.

(In case anyone is wondering, I share this shit cuz it isn't really personal - and it is similar to many other fucked up things many of us go through on the daily.)
Word Glad. Most don't understand or are embarrassed to admit addiction has shown it's ugly face in their family in some form or another. My family is no different... It's funny I grow,smoke and live my life around cannabis. yet I'm the most stable,Work oriented,Non "hard" drug user.... how the fuck? My baby cuz is in rehab for H she thought having a kid would make everything better.... she didn't even have the poor SOB be4 she started up again. Drugs... real Drugs are a mother fucker. That is one of the reasons I hate when cannabis is labeled the same as nicotine,Cocaine or H... If anyone who used cannabis for non medical reasons stop using today. they would go threw with draw of wanting to get high... but, it ends there. No throwing up,Shakes,tremors,cold sweats,fevers... the shit is a non issue. You can compare it to wanting a coke with your dinner and you are fresh out. will you be in a shitty mood you don't have a nice cold coke to enjoy with your din din.. sure but, are you going to not be able to function or eat with out it? obviously not. as is the same with cannabis you "want" it not "need" it.
Yeah I agree - it helps to upload some of that stuff just so guys like me and SketchyGrower can remind you that you are neither unique nor alone.
That's where Bob fucked up imo - he probably really needs some friendship and camraderie; but he just can't get past how much better than everyone else he is.
If people who suffer right along with him - people who can feel his grief and angst - are not qualified I doubt many others are.
No wonder he ends up smoking with cops - those are his people.:lol:
Murfy - Bob cussed us out and claimed he did the viruses and stuff here and was logging our IP's.
Pretty sure that poast was deleted.

Damn I guess I missed all of that too....
Fucking right it was. Still don't even feel close to feeling right about that shit.

For the record though, Bob claimed the viruses would slow and the IP have been collected. He never claimed to be the one taking them, I just got the impression that he knew they were being taken.
Honestly I thought it was pretty easy to get someone's IP address. That's why I thought lots of people used fake proxies.
He was obviously someone you wouldn't want to have any dealings with.. Let them collect IP's.. Fuck I already sent my name and address in for a card, what more do they need lol.

He was back under a new name but he was removed again.
Stump I've seen on other sites where ppl are removed. When they come back "anonymously" everyone plays along for awhile to see if this person has reformed slightly. It's called reincarnation lol. Seriously though, when he does come back as Bob or Stick-Soft, Hi... (sticksofthai) then give him a chance to not be a arguementative incessant and slightly sadistic radical... who knows... he may surprise us. Honestly I don't like to see anyone kicked to the curb from where they have developed friendships, of sorts, so I'm aok with second chances.
That is, unless there is a consensus that he was a Cop, a Fed or anything like that set on complete disruption. Does anyone here really believe that? He stepped over the line plenty but for selfish sadistic entertainment purposes. Bob just had to learn to play nice and fair, something his childhood probably didn't allow for. peace mofos!
I don't know what he was/is... He might get a second chance but it isn't going to be the day after a ban.

Fact is he will never have a reformed attitude. He might keep his opinions to himself, but we'll always be profiteers or the bad guys in some way or another if we don't agree with his views. I never took sides on any of the arguements but I watched them all unfold. Bob wasn't the only one that is radical here but his actions deemed a ban worthy. He could've begged and begged me to ban him, called me a pussy etc. I wouldn't have banned him, but at a time when the site is getting numerous attacks and giving out viruses and he blurts out stupid shit like he is involved or has first hand information on it, well, that sealed the deal, no begging needed.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if he wanted all of these "profiteers" to get in trouble. He stated it many times that they all belong in jail or at least deserve what they get. I do believe he probably did have something to do with the site attacks be it first-hand or through some of his fed buddies.

If he didn't then I guess he shouldn't of said stupid shit.
All I know is he was not who he says he was. He is not one of us. And if he truly is a patient then he is the worst MMJ patient there is because he hated most of us and you gotta be pretty bad to be against something you yourself are doing. If that makes any sense. He incessently tried to get others to think the same way as him and make us enemies of ourselves. We do not need that in our world we have enough enemies already.
Didn't bob say he's been selling dugouts at hash bash for a few years.

Are you really calling him an agent, or just posting some shit and hoping people think he's an agent?

I feel bad for knowing it was Bob on his first repost. :wall:
All I know is he was not who he says he was. He is not one of us. And if he truly is a patient then he is the worst MMJ patient there is because he hated most of us and you gotta be pretty bad to be against something you yourself are doing. If that makes any sense. He incessently tried to get others to think the same way as him and make us enemies of ourselves. We do not need that in our world we have enough enemies already.

I do not know this BOB you speak of... But this is soo farking true... Did not sweat this time guiz plz don't warn me!!!!
I dont know about dugouts, but I do recall posting a link on a thread for a Mi guy that does make canvas type mobile rooms. Not sure if bob said he every made/sold them but its possible. Once I figured he was not part of any team for any one on this side of this game, i pretty much wrote off anything he said.

It wasnt right away when he started his sideshow attacks towards me. but after reading others threads where he did the same thing, but then was using points used against him in other posts, is when I started to think he is just a plant. I may be mistaken, but I doubt it.

you can see where he was trying to get people here fighting between ourselves and He did for a bit actually. He/they (perhaps bob isnt just one person) would use a point to counter one of the rants made, and use basically that same point against someone in a different thread. Next thing you seen, was the two people bob was arguing with, arguing with eachother afterwards...

Pretty good game of pass the blame he played. He/They just really sucked at it. Or bob is a real person, and really messed up in the head.

the way I see it, Bob is either what some of us think, an agent/agency working to create havok for Bull Schuette or Other such Gov Agency,

Or he is a 100% sheeple that has been, and was fully brainwashed by the government. There are A LOT Of those types still lost in their little dream world. If this is the scenario, then I fully understand why he (bob) flipped out. I wasnt very happy go lucky when I started to wake up to this dream our government has had so many living in for so long.

But Hell, I noticed this Government game being played when I was a Teen, and im still miffed over it... but If bob is a full on sheeple, we may of just woke his ass up. But I really doubt that is the case.
I'm not trying to stick up for Bob here, but I didn't completely disagree with him on certain things.

I think he was correct in saying that patients and caregivers should act responsibly, and do their best to stay within the parameters of the law. I don't think it serves our purpose well to be flaunting shit to law makers, or law enforcement ... or to be blatantly over on plant count or weight limits. That paints us all in a bad light.

Where I parted ways with Bob was on WHY people were using medical marijuana. To me, that is none of his business, or my business. If a doctor deems someone worthy of having a medical marijuana card, then it is no concern of mine to judge that person. One persons pain is no more valid than an others.

Either way, I'm happy that the pages full of back and forth arguing are over. I've participated in some stupid pissing matches myself (and will do my best to avoid that in the future), but his brand of bickering took it to a whole new level.
I'm not trying to stick up for Bob here, but I didn't completely disagree with him on certain things.

I think he was correct in saying that patients and caregivers should act responsibly, and do their best to stay within the parameters of the law. I don't think it serves our purpose well to be flaunting shit to law makers, or law enforcement ... or to be blatantly over on plant count or weight limits. That paints us all in a bad light.

Where I parted ways with Bob was on WHY people were using medical marijuana. To me, that is none of his business, or my business. If a doctor deems someone worthy of having a medical marijuana card, then it is no concern of mine to judge that person. One persons pain is no more valid than an others.

Either way, I'm happy that the pages full of back and forth arguing are over. I've participated in some stupid pissing matches myself (and will do my best to avoid that in the future), but his brand of bickering took it to a whole new level.

I get what you are saying about leo etal. but you see I don't feel they act responsibly so why should I? Whose interpruptation of the law do we follow today?? Bill shitme? your local leo? mine? bob's???
They have and will paint us as they see fit, I see no need to conform to their standards.

right now I have plants for at least four other legal caregivers.who's plant count should they be??
the best thing to say is bob was a posting oxy-moron. Nearly Every post he/they made was aimed at causing dissension in the thread being posted in. He/they would argue both sides of a topic, in the same thread, against 3 separate people. Each time, using each others posts, trying to get those people fighting. I personally enjoyed those threads.

and then he/they would respond with, I Dont see it as arguing both sides, but keeping an open mind. lmfao. an Open mind he would say. lol
I still get the giggles over that one.

Bob got what he gave.
none of us are going to agree 100% all the time. but we are ALL basically on the same page. This isnt so much about a right to smoke pot.

It goes Way Deeper than that for me, and I think for most of us really. Medical Cannabis is just the straw the broke the camels back so to say.

and Bob. well Bob was/is imo, a paid agent.