Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

A superball is that one thing in your scrotum, that never could find a woman valuing it, only laughing at it. Thats why you are admin. Without such a power you would be just a tiny nobody with just one ball! Haha, you can bann me but it doesn't change your superball! And you know it's true you compensate!

Thats for calling me adolph!
Did you hear this undigested nonsense on your Volksempfänger? It has that Kraft Dutch Freude feel.
Theres a hole bunch of problem

So a kangoroo court processed in Nürnberg and sentenced the nazi regime to death.... good to know that!

You are so arrogant... as if US courts are not full or kangaroos!
You just dont want not to obey to international rules... you want to live by your own rules.

In fact the world should ally against us and stop all those military shit you do plus some atomic bombs one on new york, one on la, to finally clear out the east west coast shit!
You know Jack shit about international law.
Except the US seeing everywhere threats.
Threats in russia.
Threats in china.
Threats in iran
Threats in afghanistan.
Threats in nortkorea.
Threats in saudi-arabia.
Threats in syria.
Threats in pakistan.
Threads in lebanon.

I forgot so many....
US depleting up ressources, have the highest energy use per head... and all the world looks at the USA entertainment secretions.... WTF is wrong with YOU?

How comes all the rest of the world faces only one threat.... the US military-industrial.-complex beeingout of control... yes, since 70s years much has changed. The germans completely changed..... but you didn't change abit. You still think with gunfighting youcan rule the world... why chinas economy starve you to death and only weapon construction is left for US.... the industrialisation of killing people is the US main business in the world!

In germany, a country that the US battled, occupied, made ally..... every single one, even a migrant, got free health care, even the jobless... and the jobless is paid the RENT foor a FLAT. How comes the US-government cant afford that for their people? Why cant the print money for that, like the europeans?

Think bout so many things thats deeply wrong with the US... they must be soldiers threating themselves like dogs! They refuse to stop going that road! They think they rule the world! But thats chinese money! And so thats a "threat"
The best thing about the US is that we still manage to piss you lightweights off.

Except the US seeing everywhere threats.
Threats in russia.
Threats in china.
Threats in iran
Threats in afghanistan.
Threats in nortkorea.
Threats in saudi-arabia.
Threats in syria.
Threats in pakistan.
Threads in lebanon.

I forgot so many....
US depleting up ressources, have the highest energy use per head... and all the world looks at the USA entertainment secretions.... WTF is wrong with YOU?

How comes all the rest of the world faces only one threat.... the US military-industrial.-complex beeingout of control... yes, since 70s years much has changed. The germans completely changed..... but you didn't change abit. You still think with gunfighting youcan rule the world... why chinas economy starve you to death and only weapon construction is left for US.... the industrialisation of killing people is the US main business in the world!

In germany, a country that the US battled, occupied, made ally..... every single one, even a migrant, got free health care, even the jobless... and the jobless is paid the RENT foor a FLAT. How comes the US-government cant afford that for their people? Why cant the print money for that, like the europeans?

Think bout so many things thats deeply wrong with the US... they must be soldiers threating themselves like dogs! They refuse to stop going that road! They think they rule the world! But thats chinese money! And so thats a "threat"
That's one way to look at it.