Good online cannabis grower class


My wife and I are looking into legitimately growing medical and/or recreational cannabis in Colorado in the future. If I could get some hands on experience I would, but I'm working abroad right now where I can't do that. Does anybody know of a good online cannabis growing classes? Here's what I've found so far, but I'm not sure if these online classes are any good.

With my job, I get a lot of free time so I'd like to spend it learning about this.


Well-Known Member
I saw Unicam on TV, but that really isn't an endorsement. But they have been around for awhile and actually have a physical building. The prweb CTU brags about being " the world leader in online medical marijuana education,". I can't see how they can legitimately make that claim unless they are the only "online medical marijuana education site", which they very well might be. Neither will give you hands-on experience. Are either of these courses interactive where you can ask questions and get answers immediately? Because the answer to one question often prompts another. That would be the deciding factor, in my opinion. If neither do, just buying a book would be just as helpful at 1/10 the price. Check the local law where you are at, it may be illegal to do this where ever you are. Being in a foreign court or jail may be much worse than here.

banks dank

Active Member
I saw Unicam on TV, but that really isn't an endorsement. But they have been around for awhile and actually have a physical building. The prweb CTU brags about being " the world leader in online medical marijuana education,". I can't see how they can legitimately make that claim unless they are the only "online medical marijuana education site", which they very well might be. Neither will give you hands-on experience. Are either of these courses interactive where you can ask questions and get answers immediately? Because the answer to one question often prompts another. That would be the deciding factor, in my opinion. If neither do, just buying a book would be just as helpful at 1/10 the price. Check the local law where you are at, it may be illegal to do this where ever you are. Being in a foreign court or jail may be much worse than here.
Look up nebula haze she has a awesome site...very informative, easy to understand, perfect for the first time grower...


Well-Known Member
There's always YouTube. It's not a structured information set up but you can get a lot small informational videos and supplement them with information from a good book like one of Jorge Cervantes' books on growing.


I've downloaded plenty of books and I'm currently browsing through them. I know there's tons of very good free info out there. I guess the question I should be asking is if there is any value in taking classes for growing cannabis versus getting all my info online.

Check the local law where you are at, it may be illegal to do this where ever you are. Being in a foreign court or jail may be much worse than here.
I definitely can't grow where I am. I will have to wait until I'm back in the states.

I found nebula haze. Her website is actually

Looks good :)


Well-Known Member
I always love helping a fellow medical patient, if you have any specific questions I'd be more than happy to help. I'm no expert but I can probably save you the trouble of doing some research with the years of researching/experience I've had :P

To start, the first thing I would say is there are a few ways to determine your skill when it comes to growing. These things are related to your yield and your potency/flavor of your meds. The first thing you should focus on doing is successfully harvesting a plant that has good potency and flavor, it is pointless to focus on yield first because if you don't have the potency/flavor right then your yield is irrelevant. If you want a fool proof 100% easy way to get the potency/flavor right, go with organics.

That thread has subcool's supersoil recipe as well as information about said soil. If you have any questions about the soil, feel free to ask and I'll answer to the best of my ability. Anyhow, I'd recommend the 1/4th recipe because that will yield 20 gallons of supersoil which is enough to fill 6 7 gallon pots half way with supersoil. After that, you pretty much need to just water the soil and that's it. Make sure you dechlorinate the water by allowing it to sit out for 24 hours.

Now for the yield part. The yield part is something that comes from time dialing your grow in. Could take one grow, could take numerous grows. Until you are utilizing every last bit of space in your grow you aren't dialed in 100%. Since each individual grow is so unique, how one goes about getting their grow dialed in is just as unique. Give that article a read, make the soil and you'll be good to go. After a few grows you'll know what you need to do to increase your yield. Hope I helped in some way! :)

The Grower Man

Well-Known Member
Forget the class. If you have time now I would recommend growing a fruiting plant that closely resembles weed, like a tomato plant perhaps. Once you know how to take care of your plant, growing weed just requires some research online. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
All of these replies of people telling you to "just read and try" aren't them just trying to be mean or being lazy with the help, just reading forums, asking questions, and trying for yourself will be your best class for sure! Do tons of reading, you and the Mrs. It's great you guys are in a relationship like that too because then you can both read and bounce ideas off of each other and you'll have the perfect grow room! Rollitup, youtube, and ICMag have a wealth of information and people like me browse these forums all the time. And don't feel like you're troubling anyone for asking questions either. Again, you'll get the jerks who go "use google" but just ignore them. There are plenty of people like me that enjoy talking about organics, growing, etc so much that we have no problem answering any of your questions.

Just keep in mind that a plant is just like a child. Both a plant and a child are completely capable of producing very high quality things. However, if you try to smother them or you don't pay enough attention to them then the end result will suffer for sure. Again, best of luck!