Good opening sales lines and sales techniques in legal gray market states

Mate I'm a little confused.. you said he's in a Legal state (grey market or not), but you're moving like you're peddling illegal cocaine.

If your friend is just trying to "move" product then keep hustling I guess. But if he is actually looking to create a business I would highly recommend learning Sales, and Marketing. Understanding how the "system" works so you can get yourself into the funnel and get/generate leads.

There's basic business practices, ask your current trustable customers if they know or can refer other trustable friends.

^You need to think more general... How do people get a "med card"? Okay they get it from Doctor Bush. Then what? Where do they go between Doctor Bush and where they find their product? How do you penetrate that gap? ....Getting Leads.
Then there is a Branding or Culture aspect, do your customers feel comfortable? Why would they choose you or Sketchy Guy on the corner? Then there is getting your brand to the public eye... cannabis expo? advertisements? free offers/trials? etc?

Then are you BMW/Rolls-Royce where you always ONLY have the Best of the Best? Or are you more like the used car dealership where you have a great variety of sub-par product at super-good-prices? Or are you like Wal-mart and you have a little bit of everything?

Then there is just eating shit and being honest.... put your head down, work hard, be honest and genuine.....and play that game....and you will win long term... no question.

In OP's specific case maybe. But generally speaking, I do not believe you need to be an extrovert to be good in sales. (Not just my opinion, but paraphrased from numerous successful-mentors.)

Excellent post! I trained and ran sales departments in the automobile business 20 years and later became a medical account manager to over 10,000 naturopathic doctors buying our natural meds from a homeopathic and therapeutic vitamin eye treatment company.

Listening to the customer is twice as important as talking. As lon as you know what to say when the appropriate closing moment arrives.

And timing is very important.
Instagram. The seed market on there is wide open. Thousands of cuts, flowers and anything else is bought sold or traded every day.

Thanks man.
This would be for my friend. I wonder if he should go through proxy server on IG account. Any good free proxies? It is in a legal state.

I was also looking to go towards hemp seed market where you need to generate 400,000 hemp seeds to make decent money.