Good organic Soil? / organic ferts?


Active Member
i'm thinking about switching to organic :)
I think i read that you just keep the same soild throughout the entire grow.
true? or false?

also, what are some good organic soils i could get?
i live near a hydroponic store that has all sorts of fox farm products, so i if you have a suggestion for that :)



Active Member
I use Fox Farm and have been very pleased... just make sure you follow the feeding schedule to a T
Picture 118.jpgPicture 108.jpgPicture 228.jpg Just right x tra soil mix by gh is good and dosent dry out as fast as ocean forest. it costs a little more money. fast growing plants, while blooming, dry out smart pots in one day. (5 gal bag) two days for the just-right mix. general organics nutes are working well in this soil. these are ww fem that sprouted on jan 17. first one in 7 gal bag today. second one a week ago in 5 gal. transplanted to bigger pots week ago.third pic.showing stalk size. sorry so sloppy on my computer skills


Well-Known Member
You could check out Super Soil if you take the time to get all the ingredient its worth it

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
Micro Maxx, 100% organic vegatative mix. will carry you up to 6 weeks with the need for food.
I use Fox Farm Oceans Forest for soil. For good organic nutrients I use Age Old products. Age Old Grow for veg and Age Old Bloom for flowering. They work excellent!! Has anyone heard of using molasses?


Well-Known Member
Ocean Forest soil and Blue Mountian Organics 4 part nute system. I'm using this combo for the first time and I'm BLOWN AWAY at how great it works. My plants are so healthy and growing at a ridiculous rate. It's completely insane.


I use Subcool's and in the past three harvests I've been blown out of the water with this stuff. The entire recipe is over in the organics section and look at the 1/3 breakdown if you aren't growing huge numbers of plants. I veg for 45 after cloning and even with LST my girls are wide foot and a half high bushes. I leave my plants in 5 gal airpots for the entire veg and bloom cycle after cloning them in the 3 L ones and have never had a need for added nutes or anything like that, just plain tap water that I let sit overnight in a bucket with an airstone. Easiest grows I've ever done just follow the directions exactly and use Roots as your base soil and anywhere that calls for soil. This man is the guru when it comes to organic growing, I would sell my soul to work with him for a summer's grow.