good outdoor security cam for under$150?please help!

see ya tws
I wasn't ganna even say it till u said the second thing buttttt

Dude iv got a friend like you that talks and talks and says oh I'm scared to fight cause he dosnt want to kill the person cause he scared he won't stop or he will hurt them bla bla bla acts likes he's tough shit,
But anybody real knows he's a bitch and won't do a damn thing and can read right through that fake stuff

I'm sure in ur case it would come down to time to go get these dudes and you would think uh oh my wife can't handle a trial and will leave me the first month I'm locked up nvm not worth it.
Ur not even tough enough to rough it and go sleep outside what makes u think ur tough enough to kill someone?

Which 9 plants isn't worth it in the first place.
where is this shit coming from?did i say i want to killl someone?its obvious im not a murderer or the guy that hurt my sis would be dead!no?
you have no idea who i am at fuck off you fuckin douche bag
the camera is so i can be alerted and catch them,if they get away i have video,might not see them good,but better than nothing,i also have a motion sensor alarm i put out
but i did state very clearly that i couldnt sleep in a tent,its simply not an option,but i got bombarded after that....are any of you married?cause NO wife i know would be ok with that,,,but people couldnt respect that saying ill lose my crop,disrespectful etc.....i like being if i did camp and the wife left me which one of you is gonna suck my
dude,that plant in the middle is 8' by 8' 9 feet high....the space is15' x 15' and change,plus 2 feet of overhang
Yeah I thought that was a nice garden, may not be the biggest but def not a noobie
uhh oh ! the Homophoeb card has been delt. He'll be here.
LMAO Uncle Buck loves gay love
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if i give my addy will you send me that badge>
i found one in yur moms closet right before i fucked her,but alas,it was lost in the heat of passion
if i give my addy will you send me that badge>
i found one in yur moms closet right before i fucked her,but alas,it was lost in the heat of passion
lol i honestly love it when someone brings up my mom

Because she could kick the living shit out of you

she works with one tonne work horses and smacks them around so i doubt youll be much of a challenge for her.
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