good outdoor security cam for under$150?please help!

we dont take too kindly to people who dont take to kindly...around here

It's hilarious that you were asking about a band aid to your problem and we were giving you the miracle medicine (advice) to SOLVE your problem. I hope you get a good shot of the kids taking your plants. I hope that you don't catch them! You will be on camera beating them and give the authorities the evidence they need to toss your dumb ass into jail.

If you are going to beat someones ass make sure you don't have it recorded.........
Wow poor guy was just asking a simple question about camera's and everyone gives the guy a hard time. I'd probably get offended too if people were posting just to be smart asses. People really do have nothing better to do sometimes I guess.
Wow poor guy was just asking a simple question about camera's and everyone gives the guy a hard time. I agree with him, I've been here for year too and the smart ass answers are rude, what goes around comes around though, a broken branch for every insult, is what I was told.
You know......a camera could be a deterrent(i guess) but, depending on a camera alone to protect your crop, isn't really bright. People were just giving him advice.
You know......a camera could be a deterrent(i guess) but, depending on a camera alone to protect your crop, isn't really bright. People were just giving him advice.
true but I still see why he got offended, wasn't very welcoming to say the least.