Good PH prob for my 2nd grow

Whats up guys, i generally have been posting on a different forum (500+ posts) and even did my first grow journal there (harvested on 1-7-11, one plants around half an ounce, the plant was pretty small and scrogged)

I was a little disappointed with my over all yield. The grow was all over the place, originally i started in a small grow box that was like 1x1x22" or something with a screen and 1 gallon pot. The plant was only vegged for like 2-3 weeks (one week it was shocked from transplant and didnt grow) and i ended up with about 7 or 8 decent bud sites and then another 4-5 smaller ones.

Originally it was with 6 24watt cfls then i got a 2x2x4 tent with a 150watt hps for the last 3-4 weeks of flower which really helped but still wasnt as much time as id have hoped.

Currently, i have 2 large plants vegging at a friends place until i move back to school where my tent is and can flower those 2. They are both 1.5-2 feet tall, larger than i want but i dont really have the ability for this next round to control the size due to poor timing and winter break (college). I plan to add another 150watts of cfls to suppliment my 150watt hps.

My question is, in the last grow my buds came out pretty skinny and airy. I expected this for a first grow and i did run into some nutrient issues and ph problems occasionally throughout all stages. I am currently using a cheapass drop test kit for ph

I want to improve to a more accurate ph probe but have no idea of a good one. Im looking to spend 50$ or less on it. I ran fox farms ocean forrest and plan to cut it with some dolomite lime next time to help balance ph. I also use RO/DI water from safeway for everywatering, sometimes cut with tap water to balance the ph (my tap runs pretty high 8+)

What do you guys recommend?
Also, when testing ph, is it enough to just test the water or should i also be testing runoff? I was never really able to get a good test of my soil and was wondering hte best way to find the ph of the soil in an accurate way.

I used to run saltwater fish tanks so im decent at changing ph levels by compensating with better ph balanced water, however with soil its not like hydro where i can just test the water.

I want to really dial in my PH for this next grow as i feel like in my previous grow a lot of nutrients were lost due to poor uptake from a less than perfect ph.

I will definitely be posting a journal on this site.

Heres some pictures just for fun so you know im not THAT big of a noob haha

2nd day of flower

harvest day

Final product, picture taken today. still curing until the end of the month probably

I look forward to becoming a bigger member of this awesome site


  • ffof soil
  • ro/di water (cal mag sometimes now)
  • poor ph control
  • need good ph probe/way to check ph of soil accurately in order to help keep it in check
  • not first grow, want to improve on first grow with 2nd
  • 50$ limit (unless thats not possible then ill consider more)
  • running fox farms big bloom and tiger, possibly adding a dry fert as well
  • I also know that i will get airy buds due to lack of strong light, however i want to do the little things like balancing ph and providing a good temperature and humidity to help fatten them up until i can afford a larger 400watt.


Active Member
ph plays an important role in your plants ability to uptake certain nutrients.
you want to test the ph of what your putting in and the ph of the runoff.

my tap water has a ph of 8. if i didnt have a meter and was feeding it like that, i would have issues...
for a test example, if you put in water @ 7 ph, and the runoff is 6.5, your soil ph is somewhere around 6.0.
im in a soilless, and i keep it around 6.2, i think soil is a little higher than that.

im not to sure what your asking about ph, a good ph meter is very important. I have an oakton ph tester, its fully waterproof so i can let it sit in the res. It cost me $80. well worth it, most good ph tester will cost about that much and more


Active Member
also take into consideration your grow room size and lighting when looking at your yields.
also air circulation/ventalation. humidty. these are other important factors as im sure your aware of.
but it looks like your on the right track if that helps...
sorry, Im looking for a PH meter recommendation so that I can get accurate PH measurements. I want to have my PH in a range of literally 6.3-6.8 at all times. Currently my ph test kit only allows me to get it between like 5.8 and 7 which just isnt accurate enough for my personal tastes.


Active Member
google these, these are good brands:
some are combo that read EC/PPM ontop of PH, but those are more pricey