good question about growth!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yh still it will be hard to appove it in any way lol . factors like lights, temp, water ammount, fresh air (co2)


New Member
WTf you cocky fuck .
i am english so how about you shut the fuck up and just wish you was english .
and FUCKING up the cycle of 18/6////12/12 can give the plant HERMIE so WTF you on about .
24/0 is possible to give hermie just because you havent had it once .
TALKING shit learn what your talking about befor .
Youre a fucking hermie you stupid cunt rag bitch. Go fuck your fat ass crooked teeth bitch ass whore mother.


New Member
YOU were the fucking idiot who posted that PLANTS DONT NEED LEAVES. Why dont YOU shut the fuck up you ignorant cunt face. Fuck you and your weak ass bitch country. Fuck your stupid ass whore queen, and your bitch ass pathetic military. You are a peice of subhuman britt TRASH.


Well-Known Member
WOW dude leave this site ..
for starters i asked what the fan leafs were used for ... mean more than a simple question .SO unless you are gonna read the forums LOL (do one) faggot

LOL and Fuck you and your weak ass bitch country
We owned most of you faggot lol for 100 years lol and we still liveing it up
The British Empire was the largest empire in history and, for over a century AND WE STILL owned everone
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