Good Set up???? (UPDATE & PICTURES)


Active Member
don't take it personal,your first is always the most stress. dump the dirt get some good cfls, and try and learn to grow. you can spend less and get more. just keep growing.


Well-Known Member
definitely dont add more cfl's thats a retarted comment; im pretty sure its not a hermie- the dead pistils are from light cycle stress
and Punk if u think everyone was just commenting on the setup than u didnt read the thread, so stop tryin puttin pointless comments on it

danky, how longs it been now since the change from flower back to veg, and whats the light cycle now?

STFU, the title of the thread is "good set up?" That's an open ended question.

So you think the thread title should've been "good set up? If the answer is no, please don't tell me that." Would that've been ideal for you? And then we can just give eachother big CarBear hugs and kisses?

If a person is going to post pictures like these, expect to get ripped on a bit. And as someone else mentioned, there's tons of info already out there, he could've read that and made his own assessment. Don't you think he should perhaps do some more reading and learning? Or should we always ask people and never try to answer our own questions?


Well-Known Member
STFU, the title of the thread is "good set up?" That's an open ended question.

So you think the thread title should've been "good set up? If the answer is no, please don't tell me that." Would that've been ideal for you? And then we can just give eachother big CarBear hugs and kisses?

If a person is going to post pictures like these, expect to get ripped on a bit. And as someone else mentioned, there's tons of info already out there, he could've read that and made his own assessment. Don't you think he should perhaps do some more reading and learning? Or should we always ask people and never try to answer our own questions?
um, get high and chill? this is Dankys thread, im not here to add more bullshit bickering comments
just tryin to give advice on the grow and get the haters to go to their own threads

Akalo Boy

Active Member
hey man whats up. I grew with 8 CFL's all pushing about 2700 lumens each from start to finish and everything came out fine. Dont worry about anything just keep on trying. Oh, during flowering i would definitely buy some more CFL's if thats all you can afford. good luck man


Well-Known Member
That is the wierdest thing i have ever seen......what is your goal here??? by the time it dries you will be left with nothing!!! good luck!


Well-Known Member
I have been where u are at ( but i did get 1 whole gram) anywayz i have came a long way and it hasnt even been a whole year more like a little over half. Anyways there are 14 dollar cfls at home depot the size of footballs almost. get one. they are real good i have one with my 250 and i am a newbie pushin out qps. I like dwarves but u have to have the right one. (i did white dwarf) any ways constructin a lil somethin is easy heres a pic of my setup (1 bed apt). small cab (bought from walmart for 30$ i think w/ Ufo {but dont get one too expensive} and light strip that came with my 250 hps off of craigs list for 160) here are pics want to know anything i have a little experience that may be helpful. like i said i grew a one gram plants 8 months ago and my last harvest was 4 oz off of 2 hawaiian snows one big one with 3 oz.


just smoke her feel good for what u don and get a hps lol plz because this is 2 funny when ur high
fuck off you prick lets see your grow we put photos on here for advice from people that grow
or are learning too at least he has a plant
do u have nothing better to do

if you are into bud have a spliff be friendy chill out and shut the fuck up

my first i had 15 plants and didnot do no where near what i thought i would get but tried harder next time good luck plant look lovley


Active Member
fuck off you prick lets see your grow we put photos on here for advice from people that grow
or are learning too at least he has a plant
do u have nothing better to do

if you are into bud have a spliff be friendy chill out and shut the fuck up

my first i had 15 plants and didnot do no where near what i thought i would get but tried harder next time good luck plant look lovley
there lets see urs bitch



Active Member

I have decided to stop trying to regrow this plant.
I have 2 new seeds that I am currently curing. (not sure if male or female.)
Plus I was looking on the plant and I think I may see bananas. (Hermie)
Both seeds will be cured then planted with 24 hour lighting the first 7 days then 18/6 after.
Both will be under a light of there own in different rooms. (100 watt daylights)
Once i find the sex I will focus on the plants more. ( dont want to waist my time on a male.)

This will start when the seeds have been cured 3 - 6 days.
I will post a new thread to keep you updated and post the link in here.

Thanks for all the people who helped me :clap:

And for all the haters fuck you :finger:



Well-Known Member
It's your first time and you will learn from your mistakes as time goes by. Now to be honest, you would need to step your lighting to at lease 4 cfl's. Heat is going to be an issue. So on that note, how big is you growing space?