Good short auto.

Hey can I ask, with your sunlight grows, how is the smell?

I'm getting a lot of opinions that my three little plants on a windowsill in the UK will soon be smelling like a huge cannabis farm. Should I be getting a tent before (if) they flower?

Sorry to ask I'm just starting out and not many people doing window/indoor sunlight grows... are some factors and suggestions you may wish to consider:

1) my apartment has windows on opposing walls which provides a decent air flow.....if your flat only has windows on one wall it will restrict proper air flow and will likely stink up the building common hallways.

2) I'm about a 100 yards from the ocean, as such I typically have a breeze coming off the ocean to circulate my indoor you have to consider your typical outdoor air flows.

3) my apartment is long and narrow, as such the hallway door is a fair ways away from the living room where I grow the plants, thus the smell seldom travels near the doorway...... if your hallway door is close to your grow area, then this could be a concern.

4) you can position fans in your windowsill to push the air outside your flat, but you have to consider if that air exhaust will flow into someones flat

5) here in Canada it is legal to grow 4 plants, thus I have no risk of getting busted, maybe only a complaint from other residents, which I have never should consider your British laws and how vigilant your local police are towards MJ

6) yes, there are times my living room reeks of MJ, especially when the sun is shining directly on them but personally I like the smell :) you smoke joints in your flat?
if yes and have no complaints from the neighbours, then you should be okay with an indoor windowsill grow


Thanks for the very detailed reply.

There is good air throughput because like your flat mine has windows on both sides. However the room where I have my seedlings is close to the front door. So odour could be an issue.

I am by the coast, not 100 yards but do get a good breeze most of the time. I can see the sea from one side of the flat.

People in the local area smoke weed on the street, in their flats, and so on. I don't smoke any more, would be looking at herb vape and edibles. However maybe three plants in flower at the same time will smell a lot worse than a few spliffs...

I have decided to try a micro grow cabinet, but keep one plant on the window sill. It's all a big experiment, but this way I can try both approaches and maybe reduce the smell factor...
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