Good Shroom Question

Dont quote me on thins but i believe the mushrooms that give liver failure are mushrooms like the fly Amanita which main ingrediant is ibotenic acid and not psilocybin. Im not 100% shure if psilocybin does any or no liver damage but i know for a fact ibotenic acid does some nasty stuff to the liver

could this possibly be why you can apparantley get stomach aches when you eat shrooms?

and also, can you OD on acid then?
could this possibly be why you can apparantley get stomach aches when you eat shrooms?

and also, can you OD on acid then?

No the shrooms you probably always get are psilocybin mushroom and not fly Amanita which contain ibotenic acid. I belive you can od on the fly Amania but its harder to od on psilocybin.