Good sites to order glass?

Hi, in Europe you have Smoking Gear and Dabadman, quick and safe shipping, glass from Dok, Borofarm, Hive... in the USA Aqualabs is a very good one.
Not sure what exactly you you are looking for but I bought elephant pipe from gradientglass they got some great animal pipes.
Evil Bong 420 had a plug for 'Smoke Cartel' in the movie. Never bought from them but they have a lot of stuff. If Rabbit uses them, they gotta be good(?)...
Brothers with Glass for Canada, Aqualabs for the USA, both have the best selection of high-quality glass including some killer concentrate rigs! Aqualabs may or may not ask you to call them to confirm your order which is kind of a hassle but they are top notch.

I'm waiting for the day Amazon starts to sell good quality glass with same day shipping... :mrgreen: Haven't seen any yet, at least not in Canada.
I bought one from puff labs on amazon, pretty thick glass. Last night it got knocked off a table onto a concrete garage floor, about a 3 foot drop. The thing bounced at least 15 times, not a crack or chip. I was going you post the link but it's out of stock.

Yup, I've bought a few pieces. Agree thick glass, although I have not tested to your extent, lol