I used this idea from Shaman in New Jersey last year. And as with all my grows something came up and I had to move out of state. My buddy who was in on the grow said he was going to keep an eye on them. I told them I only wanted a sack out of it that he could mail me.
Well things were going real well, plants got about 4' tall in a very short time before I moved. I called the guy around sexing time and he said he would go out and check them every day to pull males. Well I called him a couple weeks later and he said the whole lot had pollen sacks.
Needless to say I was a little upset with him. I dont know how many pounds of crap that was we hiked 4 miles into the woods, but I do know I picked a lot of ticks off my nuts in the time it took us to prep everything. This guy would have had a nice harvest if he would have kept up on it. We had 10 sacks laid out on logs across a marshy stream. Each sack had two plants in each bag. That would have been a nice yield if his lazy ass would have walked his fat ass out to the woods.
Now I am back in AZ and am trying to think of a nice semi moist place to grow, but in southern AZ water is a hard thing to find out in nature. I am thinking of a spot but it is a fairly big hiking area. Maybe I will just wait out in the desert and jump some mexicans bringing it across the border

that is a lot faster than growing

. Any ideas on growing in very arid places Shaman? I know you a canuck, and it is a far cry from the southwest but I thought you may have some ideas.
I suggest everyone try the burlap sack idea. And I was thinking why not just use some old clothes, a old shirt or a pair of pants with the legs tied off, and shoved full of dirt, maybe the plant growing out of the zipper. It seems that anything that would breath, soak water and hold dirt would work.