Good soil mix


What is the best soil mix to use? I am planning on growing 12 outdoor plants, not sure of the strain yet.
I also live in northern california and it tends to get in the high 80's, sometimes even high 90's throughout the summer. Will this be okay? I know people grow around here all the time, I'm just not sure if there is something they do when the temperature rises.


Well-Known Member
check out fdd2blk he grows outdoor in N Cal not sure on a soil mix heat shouldnt be issue as long as they have enough water


I'd go to your grow place check what kinda soil's there already and tailor it. If it's nutrient deficient add some more top soil. If the acidity's not right fix it up. Aside from this when I grow I just bring as much nutrients as I can manage to the site, couple bags of worm castings, manure should be good. there's no magical formula.


I'd go to your grow place check what kinda soil's there already and tailor it. If it's nutrient deficient add some more top soil. If the acidity's not right fix it up. Aside from this when I grow I just bring as much nutrients as I can manage to the site, couple bags of worm castings, manure should be good. there's no magical formula.
Thanks, that is what I was thinking. I have grown plants before but I am new to growing marijuana. I have seen how some people praise fox farm ocean forest and I thought maybe it had some "special ability" to grow primo buds, lol.


Well-Known Member
FFOF is the bench mark for pre-bagged soil. Hard to find a better ready-to-use soil right from the bag. If your local soil looks like FFOF with bat guano, EWC. ect......., then just plant in it. If not you will have to buy a lot of amendments to match what comes out of the bag from FF. How good are you at mixing soil? Since this is how Fox Farm makes a living, I trust they have studied & tested their soil better than I could, I use their stuff.

Once you get really good at this, you might be ready to mix your own, until then it's hard to beat FFOF.

Good luck bro



FFOF is the bench mark for pre-bagged soil. Hard to find a better ready-to-use soil right from the bag. If your local soil looks like FFOF with bat guano, EWC. ect......., then just plant in it. If not you will have to buy a lot of amendments to match what comes out of the bag from FF. How good are you at mixing soil? Since this is how Fox Farm makes a living, I trust they have studied & tested their soil better than I could, I use their stuff.

Once you get really good at this, you might be ready to mix your own, until then it's hard to beat FFOF.

Good luck bro

I've mixed soils before just for general gardening growing, never have for growing marijuana, I'm a new to this so is there anything in particular that is different? If not I will probably just prep the soil the same way i usually do and keep the pH neutral.
I have a compost pile this year as well so I may use that.


Well-Known Member
If that's the case then by all means mix your own. I will be mixing my own this year from local bulk items.

How close to Sac are you? There's a worm farm in Galt that sells pure EWC for $200yd. Add 25% EWC to your fresh compost & stand back!



Well-Known Member
check out fdd2blk he grows outdoor in N Cal not sure on a soil mix heat shouldnt be issue as long as they have enough water
fdd2blk grow is awesome. I live in norcal the weather is great everything ive grown outside does great! They actually loved it when it got warmer 80-90 degrees as long as they have enough water. Regarding soil's the above soil's mention will work good. Outdoors is so fun because the become Monster trees if u take care of them. Only thing that suck's if you get a surprise rain when they r in late flowering...I had to get huge tarps & drape over them til storm blew over. Peace & Happy gardening