Good times in Cali grow - 600w

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
I didn't dump it on the plant, like Super Bowl victory style...HAHA! I just kept pouring it through the medium using a quart sized "feeder" bottle until I had gone through 5-6 gallons. It shouldnt hurt it, just drains right out.

*And last week I did do one water with pure RO, and about 50% Solution the feedings after, I feel like Im on the right track..
good luck on the grow
Just layin low for now. I travel around...sac, stockton, santa cruz, the bay. been up north a few times

I actually might take this down, I just wanted to show some pics of how we're doin out here
that look awesome ! teach my your magic !
Well.. here's the foundation of my grow style:

*NO SOIL!! Fuck that shit. Maybe for outdoors as it would be pretty freakin expensive to use coco or whatever, but no soil indoors. Leave the dirt outside guys..
*RO WATER. I think its so lame when people skimp here. I get 10 gal for $3 all day long. Idk the specifics, but arent plants like 95% water? so please no shitty TAP. Its like cocaine, there's no telling whats really in don't risk it
*Paint your left thumb Green, we all know a green thumb helps..LOL okay Im ready for a smoke...
how long do you cure your buds for may I ask
Well..Last time, I split the plant into about 4-5 main pcs, hung in dark area (prob 5-7 days unti crispy on the outside) Then, cut smaller for large jars..and that could take 2-3 more weeks if done right. Honestly possibly the hardest step, without smoking some lol.
But the more days that went by, the better it got.
Stems need to SNAP when bent

IDK, Ive heard of insanely long cure times, but my close friends who know Im growing again are not gonna want to wait that long haha
Drop night period 25degrees,Bet ya see some purple........
yeah, I open up the window all night for fresh, cool, O2 rich air. it goes as low as 72 at night. Ive been crankin the AC now, runnin my area at like 75 during the day. Its been 90's to 100 outside these last 2 months so it can be hard to keep cool in the day. 75 feels really good tho, compared to 100 outside.

This could be interesting tho!! because the next plant is already 2 weeks+ into flower, So with the temp drop coming, maybe we will see some Purple nugs...

I guess Ill leave this thread up if you guys are interested


Well-Known Member
Did it to my GDP and it looked like Barney purple.Cant remember where i read to do it think it was the Seed mine guy.
If ya can get bye his stoned ass he for sure knows his chit about Botony and M/J.WAS 104F last friday here.

Did it to my GDP and it looked like Barney purple.Cant remember where i read to do it think it was the Seed mine guy.
If ya can get bye his stoned ass he for sure knows his chit about Botony and M/J.WAS 104F last friday here.

the temp drop?
I don't think there's much else I can do besides AC and open window all night...
I think we're right abt 12/12 here outside too, so that's good.

Do you mean like more Dark Time? maybe i should look into that..
In the mean time how about a few new pics



Active Member
Just read this thread, and had to say Hi to my fellow 209ers..... By the Way.. the last pic is my favorite.. keep this going. Would like to see how it finishes ..
Just a quick update:
Everything looks good. After close inspection, I decided she could use One more feeding..hey when the plants talk, u gotta listen lol.
So later today Im plannin on another flush. She looks amazing tho