Goonie Grow 08


Well-Known Member
I've found lady buys have a liking to my plants. I think they help kill off some of the other nasty things that can ruin my crop. I've read up on reducing the light schedule gradually throughout the grow. I'm gonna be running 11 hours instead of 12 and then start 10 hours next week to simulate the fall coming up. Will update with some pics most likely tomorrow. :peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
having some issues with the camera =/ that's why i havent updated with pics but i will try to find another. Plants are doing good and i plan on flushing by the end of this month!


Well-Known Member
I just harvested the northern lights and cheese#1.

The NL is a dark green color with a little bit of a skunky smell thats not too strong. Hairs are fiery red! :blsmoke:

The cheese is maad sticky! Def has a fruity lemon smell that is absolutely seducting. Can't wait till its done drying/cured! :mrgreen:

Again, i apologize for no pics at the moment. my cam took a crap on me and i have to find another. i will do my best to get you guys some pics!

3 more plants im gonna let keep flowering. jock horror, cheese, and widow maker. Plannin on harvesting on the 11th!


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say beautiful girls Goonie, I'm about to order Jock Horror, Blue Cheese, and Ultra Haze #1 from Attitude. I was just wondering what kind of lights you have them under? I don't think you mentioned it in the thread, sorry if you did. Also how did you order the seeds, CC? and which stealth option did you use? Thanks


Well-Known Member
i ordered them with a cc from attitude. Vegged under 125w cfl and the sun and used 400w hps and the sun for flowering. i just used the regular stealth option with no problemos. good luck with your order!


Well-Known Member
thanks, ya just ordered w/ t-shirt option, its great how you get freebies when you order over a certain amount.

Did you notice a huge difference in the electric bill and heat production when you switched over to the hps?

BTW the last crop i had (my first one) i had a pretty bad spider mite problem, i used about 3 drops of oil in a watter bottle sprayer for a few days. It did the trick but they came back, never as bad though. I had to keep killing them all through the harvest even. i hate those little mofos.


Well-Known Member
There was about a 30$ increase in electrical bill, nothing significant. With the spider mites, i used a zip tie and punished all of em! i checked my plants everyday and scraped them off lol