Heres a little known quote by ronald reagan.
"Every person under 30 is a libertarian, everyone above is a conservative" -Ronald Reagan
The tea party is mostly republican oriented, it has been good in the sense they are trying to institute constitutional ethics. But tea partiers are still mostly conservatives, thus aren't likely to vote for a liberty candidate. I've never understood that, I mean America was founded on justice, equality and liberty. The slaves shouldn't of just been freed, they should have been paid for their services rendered, I'm not advocating slavery, I'm just saying the slaves should of been paid for their services, upon release. Owners were wealthy, but were too bigoted to pay.
Whatever, still a tea partier will look on ron paul favorably, for his constitutional preferences. But they're still affiliated conservatives or neo-cons. Thus some aren't true tea-partiers, more looking for a moderate push back to the constitution, whilst still keeping their benefits. Thats why the tea party, which people thought would be ron pauls biggest supporter base, isn't supersizing his base. Granted RP takes a big chunk, some tea partiers disagree with him. Tea Party members are predominantly conservative evangelicals, who believe america is a "christian nation" and buck against his same sex marriage stance. Furthermore 60% believe peace is achieved through military force. Three Quarters want military spending to stay the same or increase.
Thus some people aren't true tea partiers, or some just interpret differently to ron paul what a tea partier means. :/