GOP to immigrant children: your parents are not immediate relatives!


Well-Known Member

Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate parents from the definition of "immediate relatives"

why does the GOP insist on picking on immigrant children? is it because they are total pussies, as evidenced by this photo of rend pawl (R-fuckyoursisterville) running away from these two immigrant children?

Cheap date, anchor babies were not much of a voting block anyway.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member

Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate parents from the definition of "immediate relatives"

why does the GOP insist on picking on immigrant children? is it because they are total pussies, as evidenced by this photo of rend pawl (R-fuckyoursisterville) running away from these two immigrant children?


It looks like Rand is leaning over to hand out suckers.