

Active Member
What's your story? here's mine.

I had a gopher threatening my garden this year. It got my watermelon, then after soaking the yard I saw it pushing up fresh dirt. I went over with a shovel and popped his ass out the ground and whacked him. Felt so good. I don't like hurting animals ever. But this son of a bitch deserved it. Nobody fucks with my tomatoes and cucumbers. I picked him up with a shovel and left it in the street for the buzzards and crows. It was gone in ten minutes. Nature kicks ass.

Anyone else been fighting a gopher?

I had tried water, poison gas, and even exhaust from my truck. :lol: feel good now tho.

I have a new animal digging at the roots of my squash tho. I think it might be a skunk, or a raccoon that is going for earth worms. I put a trap in the spot he dug up the last two nights. I hope it scares his ass.

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Well-Known Member
no need to remind me not to fuck with your veggies!!LOL gone in 10 minutes ey sure he wasn't playing possum and ran when ya wasn't lookin ??


lol i was thinking the same thing. fucker played dead and took off when u went away hahahaha he be back tonight!! :)


Well-Known Member
I had one gopher in my garden this year...caught it before any damage was done fortunately. Flooded the little guy out and got him right under the skull with a shovel, dead before he knew what hit him.


Active Member
no need to remind me not to fuck with your veggies!!LOL gone in 10 minutes ey sure he wasn't playing possum and ran when ya wasn't lookin ??
Nah I'm positive, :o After I wacked him two times, I let him sit there dead for a little bit actually. I live out in the country and I know for certain the buzzards, hawks, or crows ate it. I've thrown other animals in the street so they can see it right away. It's awesome seeing the circle of life like that.


Active Member
I had one gopher in my garden this year...caught it before any damage was done fortunately. Flooded the little guy out and got him right under the skull with a shovel, dead before he knew what hit him.

I was told when they come out they can't see for shit. They're used to dark tunnels. If you can get gophers with a shovel your doing it right.


Well-Known Member
I was told when they come out they can't see for shit. They're used to dark tunnels. If you can get gophers with a shovel your doing it right.
Oddly enough, this is the first gopher I've seen in nearly 12 years at this place. My neighbor has them, the people behind me have them, the guy down the street has them...first one in nearly 12 years for me though. I'd prefer not to kill them, but if it's a choice between losing my garden and killing a varmint, well that's not much of a choice at all.


Well-Known Member
Mb u have voles now? See any golf ball sized holes in the yard? I just plant enough for me and the voles. I hate gophers. Shoulda stuck his head on a pole to warn off the others. Ha.


Active Member
Flood it out. And if it don't come out. Flood it and catch him in the morning when he's active. With a shovel.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to threadjack
This is a little off subject,but I got a good gopher/badger story.
this older guy I work with gets free rent for maintaining the horse stables on a small farm.
either way he had a badger make a den in the back of the property where the horses get to run/freerange.
he needed to get the badger gone before he hurt any of the animals on the farm.
so he got some fishing line and made a noose and caught a gopher when he stuck his head out of a hole.
he left about 10ft of extra line and walked the gopher over to the badger den,staked the line in the ground outside the badger den so the gopher couldn't escape.

then he stood back with his shotgun and waited for the badger to get his last meal.....I would have rather trapped the badger,but he's old school and just shot it....solved the problem though


Active Member
Not trying to threadjack
This is a little off subject,but I got a good gopher/badger story.
this older guy I work with gets free rent for maintaining the horse stables on a small farm.
either way he had a badger make a den in the back of the property where the horses get to run/freerange.
he needed to get the badger gone before he hurt any of the animals on the farm.
so he got some fishing line and made a noose and caught a gopher when he stuck his head out of a hole.
he left about 10ft of extra line and walked the gopher over to the badger den,staked the line in the ground outside the badger den so the gopher couldn't escape.

then he stood back with his shotgun and waited for the badger to get his last meal.....I would have rather trapped the badger,but he's old school and just shot it....solved the problem though
That's gardner gang bangin right there.