Gorilla Glue #4, Super Skunk (fem) I'm Baaack.....


Well-Known Member
I'm Baaack... Ya'll miss me? Well I had 1 Gorilla Glue survivor from those tiny ass seeds I was very dissatisfied with them. 4 seeds popped. Grasshopper chewed one off at soil level. 2 were very weak lookin' and didn't make it. Seen thicker stalks on a blade of grass. Also the 3 Bubblegum seeds never popped at all. Boy was the wife hoppin' mad about that. She was lookin' forward to it.

Placed an order with a different company last week that showed up today. Some Super Skunk. Seeds looked great. Decent size to them, nice color. Very pleased with them. Plop; into the jars of water they went. Was planning on popping 10. Funny thing happened as I was opening the bag and putting them on a paper towel. One shot out and disappeared. So took out another seed and put it in to make 10. Turned the light on my phone and started lookin' for the seed that went poof. Wife said; "You'll never find it." 5 minutes later; "I Found It." So I tossed it in with the other ones. Should have put it in a separate jar and labeled it, "The one that tried to get away." Lol... Well 11 it is then. Finding it, sure seemed like a Sign to me... Guess the GG will have some cousins.

After having to baby it and practically reviving it. It finally took hold and is taking off.Tied the main growing shoot over a couple times and forced the side branching to take off. Got a late start on LST'ing, do to babying it. Going to take the bottom 4 branches for clones. Keep the best 1 for a mother, and put the others back under the lights with their mother and future Super Skunk seedlings.

Going to continue to train the 1 Gorilla Glue until I put the clones and SS with it. Then most likely a short veg on them before flipping to flower. Going to lollipop most of them. If it wasn't for winter coming and cooler temps, I wanted to run some Banana Kush. Oh well, maybe next run. I'll keep updating as things progress.

Happy Grows Everyone...received_176350753247192.jpeg received_1779956465467076.jpeg received_493533814390470.jpeg received_578991659203756.jpeg received_1947395022006678.jpeg received_382317028974499.jpeg received_578991659203756.jpeg
Gorilla Glue #4, Super Skunk (fem)

How's everyone doing? Here's a fresh update. Threw 11 Super Skunk seeds in water for about 20 hours. Then put em' in paper towels. Checked on them 21 hours later. 100% Success rate. All 11 germinated. Also took the bottom 2 nodes and most of the 2nd nodes from the Gorilla Glue for 4 clones. Put the 11 germinated seeds and the 4 GG clones in Rapid Rooters in my Cloner with aerator in it. Sprayed the dome before putting it on. Under the lights they went. Next day and a half or two, it will seem like watching water boil. Lol... Daddy's gonna have a fresh group of girls to play with. Only girls the wife will allow around me. Lol...received_689725438078136.jpeg received_520801961664748.jpeg received_481215332392937.jpeg received_578991659203756.jpeg
Gorilla Glue #4, Super Skunk(fem)

Got up today,
And what do I see.
Six new babies;
Staring back at me...

Well got 6 sprouts poking out into the new world. Feel like a proud father with the urge to hand out cigars to everyone. I'm thinking about removing them from my Cloner and putting them in a separate container so the Rapid Rooters don't stay so wet and spray them as needed so the roots can get some oxygen. Also they'll probably be better off directly under my light without the dome now. Hopefully the other 5 will sprout by tomorrow.
Also did some training on the Gorilla Glue. Tied the main shoot over, encouraging growth on the side branching. Debating about topping it or continuing to train it which is what I prefer. Most likely going to train it in both directions against the back wall, since most of the Super Skunk will be run in a sort of SOG fashion. Will probably grow some as a single top cola, while others I will top and prune to grow as 2 colas. Depending on room and lighting. May grow a couple of the stronger ones as 4 colas.
Until I can build my separate chambers with mylar on them. I saw a $8.00 deal on a 12 pack of thermal blankets that came yesterday. Will have enough to line the closet that the seedlings and clones are in, as well as the back veg and flower room.
Now Grow, Groooww My Lil' Pretties.....received_157929771818548.jpeg received_381353802404385.jpeg received_291839931658556.jpeg received_302377580628582.jpeg received_1969148623208645.jpeg
Thanks SMT69. Keeping the closet full and shuffle them into the other room. These last two grows have been my first grows in quite a few years. Realized how much I missed it during my last grow. Love tending to my babies. Bending, tying 'em over, and training 'em to do what I want. Can't wait to take some more cuttings from the Gorilla Glue. Also want to obtain some more strains. Some of the Kushes, particularly Banana, and OG. BlueDream, and Haze.
Hoping to do a couple light builds after the first of the year. Wanted to do them in December but a little delayed. I should be able to have the back room framed off into separate chambers by then as well.
Will most likely create a post for the room build and bring everyone along for the ride.
Current Grow Update:

8 out of 11 Super Skunk were well rooted in the cloner. Transplanted to solo cups. The other 3 are rooted as well seedling tops are just to the edge of the Rapid Rooters. Transplanted those as well. Should be above ground tomorrow. Gorilla Glue clones will probably be a few more days. Didn't water them as the Rapid Rooters were still moist. I'll probably water them late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning just around the edges to let the roots stretch.received_316996592446456.jpeg received_316723852438697.jpeg received_1134860360001023.jpeg I’ll have pics of the Gorilla Glue plant later. Doing some work in there.
View attachment 4217268 received_2256281227948813.jpeg received_1131697423660810.jpeg received_557380741382534.jpeg received_247801622515070.jpeg UPDATE:

Total 10/11 up and growing. 11th one looks a lil’ slow, but I can see the tip of the seed. I’m still pulling for it.
Gave them their 1st light watering. While sitting there, thought I heard soft singing. So listened intently to and I heard the sweetest voice singing; "Plant me, Oh won’t you plant me. I’ll grow up big; Just watch, you’ll see…
As my seeds lined up in their baggie, turned up together and smiled at me. I had to plop 5 more in the glass. The voices made me do it. Lol…
Topped the main top on the GG as well as topped 6 of the branches that we’re even with the top.


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Gorilla Glue #4, Super Skunk (fem) Update

Hey Family. How y'all doing? Lil' update comin' at ya'.
GG and Super Skunk Update… Super Skunk seedlings are doing great 100% success rate 16 out of 16. Decided to pop the other 4 seeds. Put them in water yesterday. Seeds cracked and we’re transfered to paper towels a few hours ago.
The cotyledons are starting to yellow and they are getting their 4th and 5th set of leaves. So will get their first light feeding today. Moved them under the big lights 7 days ago and they are ready to take off. Little early but keeping my eye on a couple of them for top phenos.I’m liking a couple of them that are shorter and already developing side shoots.
The GG I’ve had to baby along is starting to take off.Gave it a stripping last night. Giving full strength nutrients now and new growth is nice and green. LST is going well on it. Training the branches to grow side from side instead of in a circle which I rather prefer to cover more area and empty space. The reason for the side from side training this time is because it’s going to be placed against the back wall and will be tied to a trellis on the wall. Then the 20 Super Skunk will be transplanted into fabric pots and placed in front of it.
Sorry a lil’ late on the update. Neck and back injuries have been killing me. But doing my best to push through it. I know next run I’m going to throw a RDWC system together and get away from all this soil. Weekly water changes, and set it and forget it… Enjoy the show family… Keeping it green…received_299497534221003.jpeg received_352176342219679.jpeg received_246056222934194.jpeg received_164255184528113.jpeg received_347240872751157.jpeg received_128701924680020.jpeg received_264250660959275.jpeg received_2204713836207108.jpeg received_2235295130035565.jpeg received_298024834133738.jpeg