Well-Known Member
I'm Baaack... Ya'll miss me? Well I had 1 Gorilla Glue survivor from those tiny ass seeds I was very dissatisfied with them. 4 seeds popped. Grasshopper chewed one off at soil level. 2 were very weak lookin' and didn't make it. Seen thicker stalks on a blade of grass. Also the 3 Bubblegum seeds never popped at all. Boy was the wife hoppin' mad about that. She was lookin' forward to it.
Placed an order with a different company last week that showed up today. Some Super Skunk. Seeds looked great. Decent size to them, nice color. Very pleased with them. Plop; into the jars of water they went. Was planning on popping 10. Funny thing happened as I was opening the bag and putting them on a paper towel. One shot out and disappeared. So took out another seed and put it in to make 10. Turned the light on my phone and started lookin' for the seed that went poof. Wife said; "You'll never find it." 5 minutes later; "I Found It." So I tossed it in with the other ones. Should have put it in a separate jar and labeled it, "The one that tried to get away." Lol... Well 11 it is then. Finding it, sure seemed like a Sign to me... Guess the GG will have some cousins.
After having to baby it and practically reviving it. It finally took hold and is taking off.Tied the main growing shoot over a couple times and forced the side branching to take off. Got a late start on LST'ing, do to babying it. Going to take the bottom 4 branches for clones. Keep the best 1 for a mother, and put the others back under the lights with their mother and future Super Skunk seedlings.
Going to continue to train the 1 Gorilla Glue until I put the clones and SS with it. Then most likely a short veg on them before flipping to flower. Going to lollipop most of them. If it wasn't for winter coming and cooler temps, I wanted to run some Banana Kush. Oh well, maybe next run. I'll keep updating as things progress.
Happy Grows Everyone...

Placed an order with a different company last week that showed up today. Some Super Skunk. Seeds looked great. Decent size to them, nice color. Very pleased with them. Plop; into the jars of water they went. Was planning on popping 10. Funny thing happened as I was opening the bag and putting them on a paper towel. One shot out and disappeared. So took out another seed and put it in to make 10. Turned the light on my phone and started lookin' for the seed that went poof. Wife said; "You'll never find it." 5 minutes later; "I Found It." So I tossed it in with the other ones. Should have put it in a separate jar and labeled it, "The one that tried to get away." Lol... Well 11 it is then. Finding it, sure seemed like a Sign to me... Guess the GG will have some cousins.
After having to baby it and practically reviving it. It finally took hold and is taking off.Tied the main growing shoot over a couple times and forced the side branching to take off. Got a late start on LST'ing, do to babying it. Going to take the bottom 4 branches for clones. Keep the best 1 for a mother, and put the others back under the lights with their mother and future Super Skunk seedlings.
Going to continue to train the 1 Gorilla Glue until I put the clones and SS with it. Then most likely a short veg on them before flipping to flower. Going to lollipop most of them. If it wasn't for winter coming and cooler temps, I wanted to run some Banana Kush. Oh well, maybe next run. I'll keep updating as things progress.
Happy Grows Everyone...