Gorilla Glue #4 Wins the High Times LA Cup

I recently contacted a fellow on an online classified website who had cuts for sale for the price of $250 per. I can't say I've ever paid that kinda cheese for a cut before but I'm not really involved with the scene (no connections) so I was considering it. There's always the possibility that it's a scam as well. I've seen the great lakes auction page and it seems cuts are going for more than that.
I recently contacted a fellow on an online classified website who had cuts for sale for the price of $250 per. I can't say I've ever paid that kinda cheese for a cut before but I'm not really involved with the scene (no connections) so I was considering it. There's always the possibility that it's a scam as well. I've seen the great lakes auction page and it seems cuts are going for more than that.
if you wait 2 months the clones will be normal. its new and demand will raise the cost. agian those Fing assholes are overcharging. money hungry biatches if you ask me.
if you wait 2 months the clones will be normal. its new and demand will raise the cost. agian those Fing assholes are overcharging. money hungry biatches if you ask me.
Nobody asked you, since you obviously have not fuckin clue what's going on Hun. ;)
I've had her for a couple weeks. Almost big enough to clone.
take them lowers. And a couple tops. She don't mind the trim. Train her for sure.
Nobody asked you, since you obviously have not fuckin clue what's going on Hun. ;)
take them lowers. And a couple tops. She don't mind the trim. Train her for sure.

$250 for a clone is insane its a weed plant after all. i can see $100 for something new but $250 and up is Screwing everyone. Just my opinion. I think Karma works wonders.
$250 for a clone is insane its a weed plant after all. i can see $100 for something new but $250 and up is Screwing everyone. Just my opinion. I think Karma works wonders.
You should do a little research before you form an opinion. This is karma at it's finest young sir.
This girl is worth any price to have in your garden.
The people donating are buying "time" and hopefully a little something more. It's moving slowly for free. U want it sooner donate to the cause.
well its good to know its around. I can wait a bit. lol plus I know a few peeps that are connected so im sure eventually I can get it and no its the legit. lol I got no room for anything else right now anyways. maybe in a month or so.
$250 for a clone is insane its a weed plant after all. i can see $100 for something new but $250 and up is Screwing everyone. Just my opinion. I think Karma works wonders.

I see your point but don't necessarily agree with you. I think people can charge whatever they want for high THC plants. There are a million different varieties, and most people smoke them to get high. If the price tag is too high for you, find different genetics more within your price range or wait a while and the price will drop. High CBD plants are a different animal though. The only people using those plants are typically very sick, and they NEED those plants as medicine. People selling those clones for ridiculous prices are on par with the greedy pharmaceutical industry in my eyes.

Besides, the proceeds from this gorilla glue auction is going to a good cause. Compassion is at work here, not greed.
Something is worth what someone will pay

and like nurse nancy said, do a bit of homework on those you disparage. You may find that there is a greater cause driving these efforts that Are far more important that money
Good causes (and bad) take money to run. If it is for a good cause that one believes in, then the giving of money doesn't feel like a burden and can actually make one content (happy).
$250 for a clone is insane its a weed plant after all. i can see $100 for something new but $250 and up is Screwing everyone. Just my opinion. I think Karma works wonders.

250$ is cheap frankly. 5 clones to your close friends and you just broke even. The MJ market is trendy, for the next year you
can add 10% more per unit for gg and have absolutely NO problem finding a home for them. There are still probably less then
5000 people with legitimate cuts of gg4. There are 100's of thousands of people that want one. You can do the math.

You could also express your braindead opinion without calling people "Fing assholes are overcharging. money hungry biatches"
You can always use one of these
(Public service announcement from a slum dogg....thx!:joint:)

or just take the $ and fly out and get you some cuts and bring them back
either way it costs what it costs......

go to detroit alternative the weasel that runs it will tell you he will sell you a real oG cut for 10,000$:o
Rumor has it that proceeds from the glue auctions are purchasing those cute shippers to protect CBD cuts.
I believe the pricing schedule will be acceptable to everyone.
Cannatonic #4 12:1 ratio
and the by the time of the march expo the Perkins Cut of Cannatonic 38:1 ratio will be testing these shippers out.

Good Lookin out slumdog,buck.
Rumor has it that proceeds from the glue auctions are purchasing those cute shippers to protect CBD cuts.
I believe the pricing schedule will be acceptable to everyone.
Cannatonic #4 12:1 ratio
and the by the time of the march expo the Perkins Cut of Cannatonic 38:1 ratio will be testing these shippers out.

Good Lookin out slumdog,buck.

super cool to be able to see the healing properties of cannatonic #4 spread to those in need
If I was getting the cut from a some place reputable like Great Lakes Genetics, paying $250 wouldn't be an issue. Dealing with some guy on CL is a different story. I'm pretty sure this guy isn't donating his proceeds to any good causes, but my big fear is he doesn't even have GG#4. After some e-mail correspondence with him I decided against it.
I just read somewhere else that tha glue will be at the expo end of march in Detroit
From free cuts to teens. Limited supplies as one would imagine.
there will always be those who has to profit to pay their bills. I just dont see the worth at 10x. Ill can buy and grow 10 diff strains with that. and will. maybe down the road i might fork out that kind of money if i have smoked and new there was nothing close to it. But there is allot close to it. Ill buy some in 1-2 years at a much lower price.