gorilla glue #4

Here is my GG it came from elemental wellness. Not sure if this is the real 4 but it was labeled GG#4

here is a dry nug shot from my 1st run with her .

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I have my 2nd run of her coming down later this week so I will get a better idea on how this cut yields , but it looks to be decent.. I am seeing some of the twist on some of the fan leafs, but not many of the fans have this twist only a few on the cut I have.
I am growing a gg4 from elemental wellness also.
crappy picture but the herb looks insane, and this one was my "tester" so I flowered it like 10 days after getting it transplanted. I can only imagine what it'll do when veged for a bit
Has a issue with PM, but not too badly.


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A while ago there was a big debate on some glue cuts going around CA and their legitimacy in the socal cup thread. I picked up some DHN cuts of it and they were one of the skepticals ones possible...or possibly not.
After growing it out, I can say I do think that it's legit. Test results were good. I was hoping for better. But still a good run and a great strain. I said I would report back on DHN's cut, but I think this is a better place form glue info.

Some shots
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The test results
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I found gg #4 cuts in socal. Booms pharm had them. I picked up a clone from them at chalice. They're pretty legit so I'm sure the clone is legit too. They're a delivery service in O.C. now. I don't know if they have a store front anymore.
gg#4 is everywhere if youre in cali....was gifted out to everybody, theyre already onto the stronger S1's theyve found....the #113 is the one i believe
My outdoor guerrilla glue #4. I know where the creator came up with the name. When working in this stickiest of plant my arms felt like they were covered in glue.


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This was my first time running it in the greenhouse, I have one in my flower room and my 3rd and 4th run in veg. If all keeps going smooth i will breed this to my blubonic male cross run, along with other females like bruce banner 3, wifi 3, alien hand gernade, and blue satellite to see if I can create some killer seeds to work with on stabalizing solid lineage and get my seed business off the ground. GG #4 is very resistant and not a bad producer at all. I have a gg female in flower looking good next to a beautiful male durban and the 4th run of GG I will have next to a blackberry trainwreck male. I am still in the selecting process and making sure I have reliable genetics. It would be sad if GG does not prove to be a good breeder, it's top top notch.
I bought my gorilla glue #4 at cloneville.


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Hey guys I was given some gg4 cuts up here in Alaska and I was wondering if the fan leaves have to twist to make it the legit strain of if some phenos of it don't have the twisted leaves?
From my findings any glue or a glue cross will have the twisting leaves. I have 4 different strains and all twist.
My gorilla glue at 5 weeks


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My buddy from mi just sent me gg4. Definitely see the twists.

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