The breeder of GG4 was , from what I heard, pretty mad about people making S1s of the glue and trying to make money off of them.
He wanted the cut given out freely.
I remember a heated argument about all of this about 1.5yrs ago...
Maybe that's why people got so worked up about our name on a new forum we're sponsoring?
Before I had a chance to check the site & respond, there were 3 pages of speculation.
Everyone was nice enough once I cleared things up & someone was talking like they were the original breeder.
Still, the nature of this business (no opinion, just stating the facts) is that people will make S1's, other people will pay for them, and we'll carry them if our customers demand them and we can get them.
I wish it was different, but it's the same thing as with GSC - not everyone has access to cuts. Either they live in the wrong place, or they don't know the right people, or they're afraid to accept a cut through the mail. I've been offered cuts through forum friends, but haven't taken anyone up on the offer.