We have many customers every day that pay with cash & bitcoin. They don't go into a deep black hole.
However, problems can happen. They can happen with a credit card too.
We also do not pay for reviews. If you look at this site alone, you'll see plenty of people with problems that we have taken care of.
If you want to PM me your order number & any other information you have, I can take a second look at what's going on. Sometimes, I see something the office staff didn't - sometimes I don't.
And, as a goodwill gesture, if you can get your coins back from Coinbase (they really should be able to help you if that's who you use on your side of things.), I'll make sure we honor the value of the coins at the time you placed your order so that you're not out anything because of a glitch in the system - either ours, our payment processor, or Coinbase.