Gorilla zkittlez, cookies kush


Well-Known Member
Thanks rasta... No never grown these strains before but I do like them so I'm going to clone them I think


Well-Known Member
So I remembered I had a huge propagator dome in the attic...decided to put it to use to help my poor looking clones along. I put it directly under my bench thing that I made and put my humidifier inside it...looks as humid as the amazon jungle in there now!... Luckily when I built the bench thingies I used slats so there's a nice low light coming in from the led's above.... I'm confident this should be sufficient.



Well-Known Member
Will keep an eye on this, I have some gorilla zkittlez on the go too
I'm more than pleased with them so far John... Heard some bad stuff about barney's seeds being a bit hit and miss but mine have been bang on... Thick stems and fat leaves...i had to defoliate because they were so dense... Looked like cabbages! :eek:


Well-Known Member
Quick room update... Girls are doing great and are ready to be flipped. Unfortunately I can't flip till I have some decent clones which I don't have yet as I failed miserably with them! Ordered a nice little propagator that I can keep on the windowsill and keep a good eye on them. The clones I tried before were just too damn awkward to get to so they got totally neglected but I shall try again and will succeed.



Well-Known Member
Took some clones 3 days ago and they haven't died yet!... Took smaller cuttings this time from the newer growth at bottom of the plants. Put cuttings straight into a glass of water to avoid air bubbles, trimmed big leaves down with a razor then gave the stems a scrape with the side of the blade. Dipped stems into clonex gel then popped them into some pre soaked jiffy soil cubes. Cubes were placed into humidity dome then placed on heat mat. Got a cheap led quite far away on a 18/6 cycle. Been taking off the lids once per day for some air and a misting of water and so far so good... Fingers crossed



Well-Known Member
Flipped the girls yesterday after a good defoliating and watering. I never did any lst or defoliating on the cookies kush at the back of the room and boy did I pay for my laziness!...Every plant was like a jungle!... I had to slash away at them like Edward scissor hands! Took me forever!... Day after the lights had been off for 12hrs they looked beautiful!..not sure if I mentioned it but I've been adding silica (rhino skin) and the stems feel great! You can literally bend them into any position you want like the arms and legs of an action man figure!.



Well-Known Member
Issues in the garden lately... So the 2 autos which are approx 3 weeks ahead of the others have gone downhill fast!...yellowing leaves with brown spots and crispy burnt tips :-(... After searching on here I've now raised the light and flushed with ph'd water. Run off was 6.5. I shall keep a close eye on them and give them a light feed if they look like they need it. I think I might have blown their heads off with the moab. My own fault as I've read that autos don't like the nutes as strong as photos but I gave them the same dose anyway as they were looking OK...the photos on the other hand are looking good. I just hope the same thing doesn't happen where they nose dive as soon as they get into full flower. This is a recurring problem with me as a grower, I do great in veg and think I've cracked it then flower comes and everything goes tits up!. I'm hoping the flush advice works and I've gained a bit of knowledge for the grow toolbox!... Fingers crossed



New Member
Bought some new gear... Got a 315w cmh light from DLI (Dutch lighting innovations) can't express how pleased I am with it... I'm used to 600w hps with old magnetic ballast and Dutch barn shades... These things blow them away!. I was impressed with the Mars Hydro led's but these things are like spaceships! They ooze quality. Even come with a pair of white gloves to handle the bulbs and a built in spirit level for leveling up!. The only way I can describe the light off them is sunshine on a bright sunny day!... Beautiful!. Anyway I mounted the cmh on a light rail to run along side my led's. Everything feels right. I picked up some plant magic cal mag which I've never used before so gonna see what the fuss is about. I'll post some pics of the new light for anyone who stumbles across this post
Hi there, yours was the only post I could find with anything to do with the DLI 315w cmh lamps...Im involved with a "commercial" sized operation and we are in the midst of a lighting refit. Our flower rooms have 45 X DLI Joule 1000w DE Dimmable and 20 X DLI 315w cmh fixtures. Our 315's look different than yours and don't have the selectable dial switch for choosing to independently control or use the DLI 4zone controller. This seems to be causing an issue with actually being able to control the 315's. I have a couple quick questions for you if you don't mind...
1)Do you use a DLI 4zone controller to control your 315w cmh fixture(s)?
2)We are in Canada, are you in N.America as well? (Just in case there are different fixtures sent to different parts of the world or something strange like that)
3)What was/is your experience with the DLI sales/support people? Or did you purchase yours independently...
It just seems strange to me/us that while all of the literature, instructions, online info, box packaging, pdf's etc. refer to the dial switch as being present on the fixture and must be set to the controller setting, yet none of the 80 315w cmh fixtures have one. In currently awaiting the support Dept to reply to my questions but they're not overly prompt about it. Anyways, I've been researching endlessly and like I mentioned, yours has been the only reference to the exact fixture that I've found. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!


Well-Known Member
Hmm that's odd?... Only thing I can think of is that maybe yours is an older version or that mine is!

1 no Im not using a controller I just plug n play

2 I'm in Europe

3 I just bought a single unit from ebay so haven't had to deal with anybody else... I still have my box with instructions etc if I you need anything else let me know ill try and help if I can
