Got a few questions for you Pro's on here, help GREATLY APPRECIATED!!


Active Member
Hey everyone, I'd like to ask a few questions im having about equpiment.

First off the strain im interested in using is GDP grand daddy purple in a vertical grow using SOIL, I plan on using FOX FARM OCEAN soil and putting them in 2-3 gallon pots, lighitng is 1khps's

i need a room controller, I am liking the sentinel CHHC-1, since it has a built in Co2 monitor, because I will be running co2 aswell from a GREEN AIR PRODUCTS CD-6, is The CD-6 good enough for a room that is 12x12x9 or maybe 14x18x10? Or should i use both the CD-6 and the CD-3 ( i have both of them )

Also, as far as nutrients go, I was thinking about using Advanced nutrients because that is what everyone was recomending, but which ones should I go with?? and which one for which stage of growth?

CARBON FILTERS, I need a filter for the room to kill the smell, so i dont know what size carbon filter i should go with? Can someone recomend me a size?

FANS also, i need a good fan for the carbon filter and i dont want to break the bank, but i would like to get a relatively quiet one so i dont have to run any muffler, what CFM should i be looking for in a fan to match the size of carbon filter I need, IS 800cfm enough? or should i get one that does like 1100cfm?

About watering, I was thinking get a big 55 gallon drum or something like that and water from there, is there a good water wand i should get and what kind of pump should i get for the watering wand?

Please help me Rollitup'ers!! i need your help! If someone can answer my questions in depth i'll even be willing to pay you $5 via paypal!! please help, im desperate!! Thanks everyone!!


Active Member
bumpity bump! can someone help? I really will pay you $5 through paypal! I trust your guy's advice over a hydroshop


Well-Known Member
take a look at heath robinson's flooded tube vertical. there a link in there(somewhere) to a two plant vertical grow he did that is the baddest mf'er i've ever seen.i think he got like 80 oz off 2 plants. great read and great info. good luck


Active Member
Wow that sounds crazy, i'd definately check it out. The reason i chose stadium grow was after reading the entire northern farmer thread it just seemed extremely promising.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you don't use FFOF and instead use coco drain to waste or soiless mix. Actual soil comes with bugs and other crap you don't want in it, even FFOF. I've been using FFOF for the last two runs and it works well but it always gives me gnats and now even spider mites. Screw that...

As far as a 55 gallon drum for watering that'll be fine but you'll also want some smaller containers like 10 gallon or so to mix just the amount of nutes you'll need at the time and probably a couple pumps instead of just one. I'm using a small water pump not sure of the size but it's not enough to make a watering wand work right it just dribbles... So the bigger the pump the better, at least mid size not a small one.

How many lights are you planning to run with how many plants? Stadium may not be the best way to grow depending... The size of the exhaust fan and can filter etc also depends on the numbers of lights and how many pounds of stink it has to cover. Basically the bigger the better you can always put a speed controller on any can fan to slow it down. Solar and Palau are the best by far btw.


Active Member
I have 8 1kw hps lights. Damn so FFOF could have spidermites?!? So should i go straight with Coco? I really want to do soil because I cannot afford to mess up. The total number of plants I will have will be under 200, so likely 120-160 budding at one time. i might do two diff budding rooms with 4 1kwhps per room. What if i get the FFOF and i lay it out on a tarp and bug bomb the house or put some spidermite killing stuff in it. The LAST LAST LAST thing i want is spidermites.


Active Member
Also, I have done some research on COCO, but i do not fully understand how to use it. i can use it in 3 gallon buckets and treat it just like soil right? but i have to watch the mixture of nutrients much more closely right? Maybe i'll do half of the plants soil and half of them in COCO. Also, what type of coco should i go with?

i really cannot afford to mess up so that is why i was trying to stick with soil. I've done soil before and it is pretty simple.

Thanks for your advice guys you dont know how much i appreciate the help.

luvvin growin

Active Member
You have to watch the coco as it retains alot of salt residue,you should check the coco growers thread,lots of guys in there know they're shit when it comes to Coco.


Active Member
maybe i'll do like a 1/4 of them in coco. I need to yeild atleast 3lbs off this first harvest and cannot yeild less than that. But going with a stadium grow using atleast 6 1000w HPS lights that should be plenty doable with no less than 100 plants budding


Well-Known Member
Even just one plant in soil can spread the bugs to the whole rest of the grow. You do not want the problems I've had with soil if your grow is that important.

Coco is used just like soil the only difference being it has no nutrients in it. Same as soiless mix. If you are afraid of coco use soiless mix but you shouldn't be scared of either it's not really any different from using dirt and you have to feed soil plants about the same anyway.

Also I think your proposed number of plants is awfully high. Above federal fuck me in the ass for 10 years prison levels. You can yeild the same amount with far less plants if you just start a cycle of vegging them longer.


Active Member
Its all still up in the air, who knows if it'll even work out, it doesn't look like it will now, but i still want to edjucate myself as I plan to work at a hydro shop and mabye eventually open up my own


Well-Known Member
I would read up on Stinkbuds system.

You could also daber a bit with SOG.

200 plants... thats pretty hardcore.

This aint as easy as it looks :) Dno if you have experience though