Got a few questions regarding my grow


I've been growing a plant for about 4 months i've upped some pics of it in here, the problems im having are curling of the leaves and some of the smaller leaves toward the bottom of the stem are wilting away and dying off. need advice on that. Also my plants hairs are turning brown so im guessing its getting ready to flower ??? little lite green buds have formed all over the plant. im not growing a specific strain its just sum reggie i planted from a bag i bought she looks good besides the leaves curling n dying and she stinks lovely smell . help would be appreciated.



New Member
uhhhh, your telling me that plant is 4 months old?? what kind of lighting,soil,nutes are you using? Im not being rude bro, but thats a very very sad looking plant man.... you got any better pics? how long have you had her in flower and whats your lighting schedule? its hard to give any advice with those pics, try to post some close ups of the buds....please dont take offense, im just being honest......Im willing to bet you grew that with incandescent bulbs huh? you need to do a lot more research before attempting your next grow bro, your plant looks stretched to the max and looks like maybe a couple weeks old.....get some better pics and youll probably get some help....


yea i dont have a cam i used my laptop camera. and soil nutes etc. like iono shyt about that i jus bought sum miracle grow top soil n there she went lites only have 1 flouresecnt on it. shes been through a lot cuz i had to leave her unattented for about a month n she survived


Well-Known Member
You need more advice than that,,Search around abit,,,and you might learn a thing or two. You might end up with a blunts worth!
Stretched, lack of light..and love you can't neglect baby girls for long and expect any thing in return.
How much light do you give it? Id say try giving it more dark hours to make it think its close to fall and it will produce buds more quickly. the only thing i can think of is maybe the lights too close and its burning them? Im also not a expert im just throwing my thoughts up there.


yea i went home for christmas break i go to school down south so it was jus sittin here for about 4 weeks i came back 1 time during the break and she was fine. but i have 1 lamp wit a flourescent lite bulb 60 watt bulb i believe