got a ? for you foxfarm users


Agreed, I mix them too, and am quite happy with the results. Also, either will work great on it's own, i just mix them because i feel like it.LOL I also agree that OF is a little rich for the young ones, although alot of strains can handle it just fine. Never tried the Happy Frog on little ones, so i can't say how that would do. I'm guessing it's about as rich as the OF, but not positive. I hear of alot of guys using Light Warrior for the little ones, with good results, so that might be a good idea. I'm going to pick some up the next time i hit the hydro shop.
I would suggest trying the HF too, as it has never done me wrong. everything is HF, coupled with a nice fish and kelp ACT once every couple of months to keeps moms doing their maternal duties, and crushed PSB turdlets with kelp as a flower drench, twice per cycle, adding some bone meal in the first mix. no crazy nutrient schedules, no bottles of bullshit from the hydro store, and bumping harvests. :leaf: