Got a new puppy!

too cute! the puppies and momma. Why is it that all heelers seem to have that stink eye look, like "What the fuck you lookin at me for? Where's my treat?" lol Glad to see you kept their tails too!
Hahaaa that's their attitude, don't take no prisoners kinda thing. Our little man will tear somebody a new one if they get cross with us, he don't play that game. Otherwise he's a free spirit, fun loving and affectionate little fella. We love him to pieces!!

We don't believe in docking, it is not breed standard. That's a fad that took hold when people saw the Stumpy tail (which are born without tails). They need them for balance and agility. Taking that from them would be the equivalent of losing a couple of toes on each foot (for a human).
too cute! the puppies and momma. Why is it that all heelers seem to have that stink eye look, like "What the fuck you lookin at me for? Where's my treat?" lol Glad to see you kept their tails too!
lol, if you were a 35lb animal bred and built to man-handle 3000lb wild bulls, you'd have the badass 'fuck-with-me' glare too ;)

i don't dock the tails, i stick with breed standard. those tails come in handy when switching direction at 30mph...
He's a cute one! Right on man. I personally am a cat fan, my girlfriend and I are in the beginning stages of making our cats a "Catio."
Got a new puppy a couple weeks back, my first one ever. He's a handful at times but I love him. 10 weeks old now. Meet Shadow! He loves munching on all the old dead dried leaves that fall off my plants. Anyone else on here have an Australian Cattle Dog? I love the breed. Share your heelers if you got em!

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