got a question guys


ok i live in very close to ontario canada wher and what season do psilocybin mushrooms grow i wanna go walk in the wood and see them no pick because that would be illegal just see where would i be able to find them like in a grassy field? and what time of the year


Well-Known Member
during spring and summer even fall and after a good rain,best in late spring and summer.bring a good mushroom book if new,where do they grow any where you can find them in parks, where do regular mushrooms grow,anywhere and everywhere just go on crown land and pick,hard part is finding them most people walk right by them. good luck


ha ok thanks i have like 1000 acres of land that is accesable from everything to heavy woods to feilds to pretty much you name it its there ha even an old corn feild from last year


Oracle of Hallucinogens
ha ok thanks i have like 1000 acres of land that is accesable from everything to heavy woods to feilds to pretty much you name it its there ha even an old corn feild from last year
If you have that much land, buy spores and grow them.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend finding a guide of all the poisonous mushrooms growing in your area... mushroom picking can be very dangerous at times, especially if you run into one that is ultimately toxic!