Got A Secret Stash Spot?


Elite Rolling Society
Back in 1976, we lived in a trailer, and I got busted and had two lbs of pot and some other drugs hid under the bathroom cabinet, in the wall. They didn't find them. I had cut a hole in a piece of paneling with a jig saw, under that sink, about ten iches square, and had a nail holding it there. You pulled the nail out to expose a big space between two wall studs.
AND once in the 70s, I had a friend who got busted while he had a lot of visitors there. The law made them all sit on the sofa together after they were individually searched. He said they never got on their knees to look under the sofa, where his rolling tray was with pot, seeds and papers. They found his stash in the refrigerator, but not the pot under the sofa. He said they were too lazy to get on their knees and look under places.


Active Member
Jesus thats cool canvas looks nifty also a good spot. :)

Yea I cant imagine cops searching whole house or ripping it apart at least unless they had reason to believe you had mass amounts. But, never smart to not have a good stash spot.


Well-Known Member
i hide mine in a printer,
just open it up and there is alot of room to put it

i don't have a camera at this point sorry no pics


Well-Known Member
Im not telling were my secret stash box is! think about it, it wouldnt be a secret anymore, now would it... it would just be a plain old stash box...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Well i actually cut a hole inside of this old book i found lying around once, and its been my stash box ever since all i put in there is weed nothing else since i cant fit my bong in there i keep my bong behind the closet Door :hump:
yup i know it sounds dumb but its a good spot because noone is ever in my room, to bad my stash is empty there used to be about half an ounce of weed in it but well its gone


Well-Known Member
my dad grows his own, but he does an outdoor op every summer to get his stash for the rest of the year.....he is probably one of the most cautious smokers you will meet....he buries his shit after he vaccum seals it.....and i have no clue where....only that there are pounds of chronic nugz burried somewhere. lol


Well-Known Member
gun safe: It's locked plenty of room, and if someone is going to make me open it, there is more than just paperwork money and pot in it!


Well-Known Member
i have mine in my secret bed compartment thing or something i have pics loading on my computer

PS who ever remembers me doing the skim milk in bong i forgot about it and it smells like an fart in a jar


Well-Known Member
what I used to do before I got a safe was get a few KG's of mince meat, fold it around a double zip locked bag of cash, press it back into a really big zip lock bag, and then Freeze it.

If any one looks in the freezer they just see meat.

you can hide about $10,000 (in $50's) in about a Kg of mince.

if you need it in a hurry get a hammer and smash the meat.


Well-Known Member
what I used to do before I got a safe was get a few KG's of mince meat, fold it around a double zip locked bag of cash, press it back into a really big zip lock bag, and then Freeze it.

If any one looks in the freezer they just see meat.

you can hide about $10,000 (in $50's) in about a Kg of mince.

if you need it in a hurry get a hammer and smash the meat.
I would have loved to be the hungry dude who stole your mince meat.:joint:


Active Member
No it isn't. Cops will always look there. If it's an amount small enough to fit in your sock, then just eat it, if you get pulled over.

it all depends on the cop and what country/state/province. that time i got pulled over, i was in Ontario, and the cops knew we were baked by the expressions on our faces, but only made us empty our pockets, and they searched the car. thats about it. eating it would definitely be better than any court bullshit, or a criminal record.