got arrested for possesion of a stem in a bag whats gonna happen?


Active Member
Few days ago I was arrested for possesion I had broke up and forgot i put the stem in the bag and put that in my pocket. I looked pretty high and smelled like weed I wasnt driving i was sitting in the backseat of the car what do you think will happen? Ive been smoking everyday since middle of summer pretty much and the court date is on the 7th so how fucked am i? on the police report it says possession of less than fifty grams of marijuana


Well-Known Member
go to court and u have the right to face ur accusor if the cop isnt there then case will be dropped or u can pled ur case just saying the truth judge could drop it or lower fines or be an asswhole either way ur in the same situation as b4 someone else might have some better advise or u can pay for an attorney if u have the money he will be able to get the case dropped


Well-Known Member
If your younger like under 25 WITH A CLEAN RECORD.they will most likly give you a choice to plead not guilty and fight ur case.i which point if found guilty they will sentence the max for makin it go to court.the judge will be an ASS if found guilty.they will most like give you the choice to pleade guilty and they will have some deal like diversion and community service and like 250$ or an 8 hour class and some money . but it will be exponged from your record after completion of whatever program they want.well good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
All this just over a stem? C'Mon............... Are you sure there isn't more to the story?



Well-Known Member
I thought the same thing, but I know how over zealous some kops can be. But a stem, as stupid as it sounds, can be enough to get ya busted, If this doesn't show you how much our laws need to be changed, I don't know what will.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Just an opinion, jump in for comments. I grow, but did not go to any Horticultural School, therefore, I cannot testify that the Stem is in fact Weed. The Officer is not a certified plant expert either. A lab test would have to be done to certify the stem as actual Weed. The burden of proof is on them. If you pulled a baggie out of your back pocket at Court, with a "LIKE" stem in it, is that weed also? Is there any documented proof that the stem is Pot. Either expert testimony, or a documentation. Anything else is hearsay. What I'm saying, they wouldn't spend the money to get it certified, but will try to slip that fact past you.

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
For ANY crime,where the punishment might be time,GET A LAWYER! $$$$$ well spent.
Don't ask me how I know.


Well-Known Member
a stem is more then whats needed for a possesion charge.they can find you with just a burnt zigzag and getcha for possesion an para..........pretty fucked up how it is


Well-Known Member
Just an opinion, jump in for comments. I grow, but did not go to any Horticultural School, therefore, I cannot testify that the Stem is in fact Weed. The Officer is not a certified plant expert either. A lab test would have to be done to certify the stem as actual Weed. The burden of proof is on them. If you pulled a baggie out of your back pocket at Court, with a "LIKE" stem in it, is that weed also? Is there any documented proof that the stem is Pot. Either expert testimony, or a documentation. Anything else is hearsay. What I'm saying, they wouldn't spend the money to get it certified, but will try to slip that fact past you.
very very true......the cop mighta scared him into admiting it was weed


Well-Known Member
Let this be a lesson, if you are carrying and get pulled over by our "public servants" either eat the shit or at least get it the hell out of your possession. If the kop sees a bag on the floor "near" you , does NOT mean you possess it, especially if it is not your car. Tell them "that's my friends dope"...........JUST JOKING . Good luck, grow your own, keep it home.


Active Member
Just an opinion, jump in for comments. I grow, but did not go to any Horticultural School, therefore, I cannot testify that the Stem is in fact Weed. The Officer is not a certified plant expert either. A lab test would have to be done to certify the stem as actual Weed. The burden of proof is on them. If you pulled a baggie out of your back pocket at Court, with a "LIKE" stem in it, is that weed also? Is there any documented proof that the stem is Pot. Either expert testimony, or a documentation. Anything else is hearsay. What I'm saying, they wouldn't spend the money to get it certified, but will try to slip that fact past you.
this guy has a really good point. back in the day a friend and i were caught smoking a joint. when the cops searched my buddy the found a sucrets tin with about 2 grams of weed. the cop said,"whats this" my buddy replied,"its sage and i put it on my ice cream". i know it sounds crazy but true. when they released us i asked him what do you want to do, he replied,"we should smoke a joint". so we did. i asked him how he managed to make it out of the police station with his stash,rollies and roach clips in tact. he told me what he told the fuzz. i couldnt believe it at first, then it dawned on me, the 2 grams in the tin wasn't worth the thousands of dollars it would cost for them to send it to the crime lab. absolute true story...good luck..


Well-Known Member
HaHA good story, i totally believe it too. The same type of shyt happend to me. I got pulled over for speeding and my friend had his bong on him and he was sorta drunk. Well he tryed to hide the bong between his legs(he was pretty tall) but the first thing the cop said when he came to the window was "nice bong". The worst part was i had reached our destination and we got pulled over last second,like i we were in the parking lot of the motel. So they ask us to both step out the vehicle and asked for my licence and papers which i had. Then they friskd us both, i had nothing on me, my friend had a small bottle of wine or some liquor, i cant remember clearly. He was under 21 so thats already none thing they got on him, then they see his belt which was a pair of brass knuckles he had profeshionally gotten converted in to a buckle. They charged him with a conseald weapon which i thought was bull shit, and he Really thought it was bull shit. So he refused to identify him self and that really pissed of the cops, so they booked him down town the next town over because our town doesnt have a proper police station. Now im left with the second back up officer (yes they called in for more cars) who just so happend to be a sorta chill femal officer. She asked to search my car and i thought about iot for a while and i was Damn sure i had nothing in the car so i said yes. Well she eventually comes out of the car with a year plus old vial with a lable on it stating "Platnum Goo" For medical use only. It was a container for hash oil from the clubs back when i still lived in cali. And it just so happened to have some visible material smeared on the sides. She could have taken me in at that point, it was technically a felony possesion of a controlled substance. But she just wrote me a ticket with NO court date, i asked her when i would have to appear and she said she would be in contact. Well a year and a half later i have yet to hear any thing. ANd i have since Been to court on other offences and there is Never any mention of any prior offences or any tickets being wrote. I think she ripped up her duplicate because i certainlly did :)


Well-Known Member
Yea im sure he got charged and found guilty. Reason being i havent seen him for about a year, and neither has any one else. He called me to hang out one day and never followed through. Iv asked around and no one has a clue where he is.I even asked his boss at work so im pretty sure hes locked up, he had a bunch of priors. chillest guy iv meet and known but he got KrAzY when he drank and he drank on a nightly basis,i should know iv lived with him for a while. If you and ur friend have been drinking and he asks you if you want to go Urban Hunting remember no matter how much fun it sounds like at the time Dont agree to go.Infact, do all you can to talk ur friend out of going in to public to go small game hunting. Ya he liked to get drunk and play with guns, which is understandble as it can be quite fun but very irresponsable. I hope to hear from him soon...


Well-Known Member
Whats gonna happen depends entirely on where you were busted. Some states it's a slap on the wrists, some states they'll bury you so deep they'll have to pump in sunlight to ya. But no matter WHERE it happened, get a lawyer. A PAID lawyer, NOT a public defender.

Just an opinion, jump in for comments. I grow, but did not go to any Horticultural School, therefore, I cannot testify that the Stem is in fact Weed. The Officer is not a certified plant expert either. A lab test would have to be done to certify the stem as actual Weed. The burden of proof is on them. If you pulled a baggie out of your back pocket at Court, with a "LIKE" stem in it, is that weed also? Is there any documented proof that the stem is Pot. Either expert testimony, or a documentation. Anything else is hearsay. What I'm saying, they wouldn't spend the money to get it certified, but will try to slip that fact past you.
This is true. Make 'em pay to convict you. Actually, they are supposed to test the substance and be absolutely certain that it's cannabis BEFORE they arrest or charge you. A field test is generally sufficient for probable cause to arrest.

If your younger like under 25 WITH A CLEAN RECORD.they will most likly give you a choice to plead not guilty and fight ur case.i which point if found guilty they will sentence the max for makin it go to court.the judge will be an ASS if found guilty.they will most like give you the choice to pleade guilty and they will have some deal like diversion and community service and like 250$ or an 8 hour class and some money . but it will be exponged from your record after completion of whatever program they want.well good luck with that.
The very threat of "either take the plea, or get the max if you make us take this to trial and prove our case" is automatic grounds for appeal. We call that coercion. You (or your lawyer) will have to at least show that the threat was made, and followed thru with. I knew a guy who got popped for possession and the judge point blank told him (on the court record) that if he ever appeared in that judges courtroom again (for anything) he'd get the book thrown at him. A few years later, he was busted again for possession and went before the same judge who did exactly what he promised. Dudes lawyer produced the transcripts where the judge had "pre-disposed" the case, and the upshot is the Judge was recused, and the charges were eventually dropped. The key word here is EVENTUALLY.
Where they have us by the short hairs is that nobody wants to win on an appeal. Shit, nobody wants to go to jail in the first place, even tho we all knew the possible consequences of engaging in illegal activities.
Every time someone "takes the plea", or pays a fine to avoid the high cost of a trial, it's a "win" for the government. Many an unpopular (and unconstitutional) law has been upheld and given legitimacy by our reluctance to fight the charge, and the law itself. It's out of the financial realm of most people to financially weather a drawn out court case, and the state knows this. They KNOW that the likelihood of you copping a plea is better than 90%, even tho you might be innocent. The threat of doing hard time (and lots of it) can do strange things to your head.
Remember, you have a RIGHT to a trial by a jury of your peers. Enhancing penalties, or handing down a sentence that would be a radical departure from the sentencing guidelines, just because you exercised your right to trial, is automatic grounds for appeal.
The only way to be completely safe from prosecution is to completely avoid what THEY consider criminal behavior. But if you DO engage in this type of behavior, you should be prepared to go the mile and finish the race. Make them PROVE their case, don't convict yourself for them. They sure as hell aint gonna share their paycheck with you for doing their job for them. At the end of the day, you'll be going to jail, they'll be going home.


Well-Known Member
go to court plead guilty and pay your finethats all it will be prolly, hard to say each state is difrnt, just plead guilty and do whatever they tell ya to, worse case you get 48 hrs in the county jail, 48 hrs is nuthin espetially if you dnt smoke cigeretts, like camp when you were a kid. then leave and go get high sumwhere you wont get caught.. try sayin not guilty and you will get screwed