[SIZE=+0]Hey man, i respect you and all but lay off the guy. i mean atleast he was man enough to admit that he got his ass beat, he could of told us that he beat there asses like no ones business but he didn't. so just lay off the kid and go smoke a blunt or bowl like meYour Lame for posting a "punk" thing you did ....... Face it In the REAL world you would be looked at as a chump.... And for spitting on a guy that is down is a pretty fucked up thing to do .. .... why not whip out your cock and piss on him too... I bet this aint over and your punk ass will catch another beating ,, be sure to write it all down...
na i feel his cousin, if the original fight was 1 on 1 id agree 100% with you. but they jumped him. if 3 kids jumped a member of my family, id beat there ass if i caught him on the streets to. and besides he said they saw him while they were picking up. its not like he was like i need you 2 fight this guy 4 meI dont hate , Thats a strong word,,, Im just calling a spade a spade ,,
He had to go and get his cousin to beat a dude down,,................ Chump move
After his cousin beats the dude down OLE GORDO over here Goes and SPITS on him.. How Macho..
Yay.. No matter what you or anyone else say's Your still a punk ... Learn to clean up your own mess's
OH MAN OLE Gordo Gave me a BAD REP.......... Im going to cry ..........
You better watch your ass....for real.....his cousin might beat you up![]()