Got Busted!


Hello harevester,

Let me tell you my story of what happened yesterday, At around 11am cops came in the house breaking doors, The cops
where drees like civils, so at first we tought they where sicarios (mexicans narcs wichi kill you if you are selling in their territoy)
drop me and my brothers in the floor pointing us with guns, They knew there was an indoor grow of cannabis,
I had 29 plants. The cops then ask us if we wanted to make a deal, they ask for 40k pesos (about 4 thousand dlls)
they gave us until night to get this money, and took everything of value from the house ( 3 laptops, tvs, xbox,
cellphones like iphone 5 and galaxy s4). After we gave them the money, (we tought of running and not paying, because
they let us free to get the money, no cops where after us, but they threat us and our family, they said they got
all our info and told us to not try to do something stupid) they told us that they didn't care about the plants and
I could do whatever I wanted with them. Even one of the cops was trying to be friends and connect me with someone to buy my hydro system
including the plants, which I told him I prefferred to kill them and no more problems.

So I havent kill them, I still have my 27 plants (they killed 2 just for the fun) wich are 5 weeks into flowering,
I don't want to kill my babys, what do you guys recommend to do in my situation?

Im afraid they come back and do the samething, so Im thinking of moving the to another place.

* The most important thing I learn from this is to trust no one! (The cops even told me that someone who I
brought in the house told them) So guys this is the most important for us growers, keep it a secret.!


Active Member
guess i wont be liveing in mexico anytime soon,,lmao,,i believe id move the plants or harvest them and like the guy said,get the fuck out,lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I would start plans to move pronto! Harvest now or give them a week (your call), but the cops likely know when they will be ready and you don't want to risk another bribe situation or outright theft or worse. Make sure there is not any evidence in your house if you decide to harvest. Try to cure them somewhere else If you have the option or just offload the wet budz.

big bud 56

Active Member
I never tell anyone that I'm growing,not even my best brother,we're real close.
I always have weed and he never asks me so I don't tell him.
Never,ever reveal to anyone that you're growing.
On here is safe but people you know and come into contact with,never.


Thanks all for your reply, Im going to try and move them today. Hope they are not waiting for me to do that, I will do this carefully. I really tought on destroying everything but my love for this platns dont let me. So hopefully everything turns out right and will be somoking them in christmas :D

And no you cannot grow in mexico, unless you have political power, or you are a narco and buy the cops. But now you are talking more of a mafia, which is not my situatuation I grow for the love of the plant :bigjoint:

And no they dont just robbed tourists, here in mexico the system is really fucked up like in many other places, cops here are bad, they torture, they take everything from you and they can even threat you to give them an amount of money for a period of time. ( One of the cops even told us they didnt hurt us because we look like good people)


Active Member
i hope you and ur brothers can stay safe and keep your harvest. latin america is just more up front about corruption. in the states we have a lot of pretty things to look at, a lot of distractions and diversions..... we are deeper into the puppet theatre.
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not in Bradford, Im somewhere in Mexico..

I dont know when they will want more money, but that is not the problem. I will give them 4k more if they let me grow.. The problem is if the guy that told the federals I was growing also told the soldiers, and does modafukers will not ask for money they will fuck me up bad and then they will send me somewhere else where I will problably get pretty hurt and in jail. A pretty bad jail :-(

but one of the federals told me that they won't bother my growing anymore. He even contacted one of his buddys and see if he was interested in purschasing my hydro system and the plants.


In the house my bro ask him hey how do I know your a cop, the cop laugh and say if i was a sicario(people who kill) you will already been shot, then after a while he showed and ID, and they took us to a police station.


Active Member
if you are going to move try to smoke look like you are until you are leaving, get everything ready by the door, all packed up so you dont have to make many trips from the vehicle and back to reload (or use a garage if you got one) then take off, look for tails, dont go right to your new place, take off in the opposite, or a random, direction. if you are flowering maybe wait untill your lights are about to go off and bag the plants in thick (3+mil) black garbage bags (just dont forget about giving them air!) and drive for hours, in circles if you have too to make sure that no one if following you. once you are sure, make your way to the place.