Got Caught


Active Member
Around were I am at everyone knows everyone elses buisness.

People can't seem to tend to there own families:-?. Yet need to mess with everyone else..My town roughly has 6000 people in it. So you don't dare tell anyone shit around here. That is the only reason, I did not move my plant..

Should'nt really matter, I do Have A MED CARD:joint: and a CareTaker Card, But I still just don't need any ''HEAT'' headed my way. I am a pretty kick back fellow--- with no need for Cops and the problems they bring--Or at least try and bring..

Cutting her up sucked:spew:, But I Guarantee! I WILL have a beautiful tree or 20 again.. I am already 3 weeks in with 11 Ganesha's... And I have a new grow site at the Mother in Laws house.. Took the day off work to go set the bad boy up..:hump:

So All I need to do is set it up and get some more FOX FARMS Soil:mrgreen: and I will be off in the growing again.

Mean people and Red Neck Snoops really suck..:evil:

Pics of the new room soon.. Like by noon if possible....

Later all, Have a great work day..Smoke and Grow safe,
TheDankOne :joint:


Active Member
ahhh i've told everyone in my work and I'm fully shittin myself about it now. really wish i hadn't told anybody