Got dried ! what to do ?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys .. I`m flowerin on day 25 .. there were a few damn hot days in here and I added too much cfls and the plant got fried for a bit ..
have a pretty big amount of half dried leaves at the bottom of the plant and the rest are green but dry ..
the question is what can I do now to fix it expect of keepin it cool and wet ?
any suggestion guys ?
Tnx a lot.


Active Member
At least most of the damage was on the bottom leaves. How do you have your cfls positioned? I am no expert, but heat rises so I am curious how the bottom ones sustained most of the damage. Do you have a fan to circulate air?


Well-Known Member
Send a pic. If not you can add a fan or vent the place out when the lights come on.


Well-Known Member
At least most of the damage was on the bottom leaves. How do you have your cfls positioned? I am no expert, but heat rises so I am curious how the bottom ones sustained most of the damage. Do you have a fan to circulate air?
First of all I got 2 fans in and out intake.. (workin on a water coolin system already) the cfls are spread in the closet .. I was too excited of flowerin so I put like 250 Watts of cfls .. and thats what fucked me up .. they were too close .. and now the summer began .. and its like 30(c) deegres (85f) in the room .. a few days ago it was over 40c (100f) at the closet ..
so obviously the plant got fucked pretty bad ..


Well-Known Member
Send a pic. If not you can add a fan or vent the place out when the lights come on.
fans not helping any more mate .. they just keep spreading the hot air inside ..
got no pics of the plant just of the setup, pretty much ..


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Active Member
First of all I got 2 fans in and out intake.. (workin on a water coolin system already) the cfls are spread in the closet .. I was too excited of flowerin so I put like 250 Watts of cfls .. and thats what fucked me up .. they were too close .. and now the summer began .. and its like 30(c) deegres (85f) in the room .. a few days ago it was over 40c (100f) at the closet ..
so obviously the plant got fucked pretty bad ..
I can definitely relate to the heat issues with summer coming along. I just recently had to purchase a "portable" ac unit as my temps in my grow tent were averaging 90-96 F. Now it stays a steady 77.5 - 79.5 in the tent.

What I am confused about with your problem is why the damage is mostly on the bottom. Granted I am no expert on heat damage, but that seems unusual to me. Based on your last response I would say its obvious that you need to either remove some lights or find a way to actively cool your grow area. If you have the ability to add CO2 it can help your plants take a little more heat. What kind of grow room are you in? Closet? Tent?


Well-Known Member
I can definitely relate to the heat issues with summer coming along. I just recently had to purchase a "portable" ac unit as my temps in my grow tent were averaging 90-96 F. Now it stays a steady 77.5 - 79.5 in the tent.

What I am confused about with your problem is why the damage is mostly on the bottom. Granted I am no expert on heat damage, but that seems unusual to me. Based on your last response I would say its obvious that you need to either remove some lights or find a way to actively cool your grow area. If you have the ability to add CO2 it can help your plants take a little more heat. What kind of grow room are you in? Closet? Tent?

I built up a closet .. about 1m/1m/ 2m height ..
look .. there were a lot of little leaves at the bottom part of the plant .. the leaves near the buds and ect..
so they pretty baked .. and at the top of the plant the leaves were bigger .. so they just dried .. still alive tho .. :)
The question is what can I do to make her stronger now to recover faster ?
& will spraying soda water on her will do the job like regular co2 ?
Tnx a lot ..


Active Member
If you want to make your own CO2 you can get a water bottle with some water in it. Then add equal amounts of yeast and sugar. The yeast will metabolize the sugars and produce CO2 as a byproduct. If the bottle stops bubbling give it a good shake and it should start again. If it completely stops bubbling then you need more yeast or sugar. Keep in mind that you would probably want your fans off when CO2 is being generated so that you dont lose it before your plants can use it. There is also a CO2 tablet you can buy that you drop in water (I think its water) and it releases CO2. I am not sure on the effectiveness of soda water spraying...but one thing to keep in mind is that too much water on your leaves that is constantly evaporating can actually dry the leaves even more. It sounds a little counter intuitive, but evaporation can draw moisture from what it is being evaporated from.

As far as what you can do to help them get better...reduce heat (obviously), CO2, ensure that your PH and nutrients are at ideal levels. Damaged portions of the leaves is something you are going to have to live with. You cant make dead tissue start growing again. If some of the lower leaves are pretty much gone then you may want to consider cutting them off.

I cant really tell what type of system you are using there, but you would want to check the temperature of your water, too. Water that is too warm can also do bad things to the half of your plant below the ground.