Got Ghosts?


Well-Known Member
one of my mates whos a lil older than me said when he was younger he used to get into sayonces and weird shit like that haha. he said he did one in one house (renting) and they had to move out cause heaps of weird things kept happening and the room the did it in was foggy/misty all the time. and they also used to call one chick up called rose (if my memory serves me right) and she used to play games on them all the time like jokes and stuff just little things like they would be talking to her and she would say there is somone at the door the bell would then ring and noone would be there and when he got back to his luegy board she would say hahaha.
LOL when you do shit like that, even if you are messin' around, you can bring up some random shit. Some people believe that the Ouija Board can bring out the "mischievous, pranksters, lesser intelligent spirits" and you don't know who you are opening up to. Thanks for sharing Skunsta!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've played with the board, and I think much of the time, it's just people moving it subconciously. I've played it alone and gotten a name on it, "FUE". But I really think it was just me, cuz I kinda knew what was gonna be said before it was said.I also have practised witchcraft, astral traveled,dabbled with tantra and meditation, and in my early teens, tried to levitate.Now everyone will think I'm one of those peaceful, breathless new age types.
LOL when you do shit like that, even if you are messin' around, you can bring up some random shit. Some people believe that the Ouija Board can bring out the "mischievous, pranksters, lesser intelligent spirits" and you don't know who you are opening up to. Thanks for sharing Skunsta!


Well-Known Member
no i didnt think that at all. but sounds like you may have experienced some creepy shit haha. interesting about the subconcious part i get what you mean but never thought of it that way. how do you explain things like the glass spontainiously smashin or getting throughn across the room that ive herd of that happening, gez that would freak me out

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
All, I can say is that that has never happened to me personally. I have banished some things from my house though.
no i didnt think that at all. but sounds like you may have experienced some creepy shit haha. interesting about the subconcious part i get what you mean but never thought of it that way. how do you explain things like the glass spontainiously smashin or getting throughn across the room that ive herd of that happening, gez that would freak me out


Well-Known Member
Ok so here's another pic from a strange incident I had in my neighbors house in New York. I took NINE pictures in the same exact spot and I had nothing. On the 10th pic, this showed up.

It is NOT my finger. It is NOT the camera strap, I don't have a camera strap on the camera. The camera lense is on the left front of the camera. So my finger was NO where near the front of the lense. Within a minute or two later my right ear started getting EXTREMELY hot. It then turned bright red and was burning for almost a half hour before the heat went away and the color went back to normal. My neighbor was with me and witnessed the whole thing. Right after I went downstairs to the kitchen where her mother and my father were sitting and having coffee, showed them the pic and my ear and they couldn't believe what they saw. I still don't know what the hell happened. I know it wasn't my finger or anything on the lense. You can see the defined edge around it. I'm guessing it was super white light and I just got effected by the energy that it gave off. I don't know... All I know is that it wasn't normal so I consider it "paranormal".

