got jacked

Fuck you. Normal people don't steal.
Defending one's property is completely justified you pussy. Don't want to get shot? Don't steal. I don't feel bad for kleptomaniacs who get themselves killed. You don't go onto someone property, steal things, and expect no retribution. I'll shoot a dipshit trying to steal my bluray player, I don't care how replaceable or cheap it is. You're a coward if you're not willing to defend your family and property, and you bet your ass they'll be back if they know you're a wimp... especially on a big plot of land with shit sitting outside.
I agree I don't steal, only fucked up low lives steal. I protect myself of course, no let me just stand there and get red robbed, fuck all that, you are dead on brother.
So it has to be inside a home structure? Or no laws protect me on just the land?
Unfortunately in Colorado this seems to be the case. You'll have to research Colorado criminal code for specifics.
Some states allow you to protect yourself more than others. For example: According to Texas penal code, you can shoot thieves to prevent the act of stealing and to prevent them from running off with stuff they've stolen.
"A person is justified in using reasonable and appropriate physical force upon another person when and to the extent that he reasonably believes it necessary to prevent what he reasonably believes to be an attempt by the other person to commit theft, criminal mischief, or criminal tampering involving property, but he may use deadly physical force under these circumstances only in defense of himself or another as described in section 18-1-704." :-(
In time for what? I'm from a place that isn't retarded enough to give all the criminals easy access to any kind of weapon they like. We have absolutely no need for guns to defend ourselves and our property.
Good information brother. That's what's up. Maybe not the best laws to protect one's self, but at least I know where I stand now. Cool man
Since the OP asked you to follow up on your rain theory I figure it's okay to take this bunny trail. Velvet Elvis I'll assume you're at least a decent indoor grower (I don't know, but probably you are), but you are misinformed about rain and outdoor grown weed in regards to taste and smell. Maybe you don't have any decent outdoor growers in your area (again, I don't know) or you've tried some outdoor grown import that wasn't very good maybe (import is not a good basis for judgement), but your statements are not true. I grow in Hawaii outdoors in an area that gets steady rain throughout the year (60-90 inches of rain total) and I used to grow in an area that got 160 inches of rain per year (that's a ridiculous amount of rain). I check my tricomes regularly with a 60X eye loupe regularly and the tricomes are always still there and my buds smell just as good as any indoor I've smelled. Furthermore, Hawaii outdoor grown weed has some of the highest tested THC percentages in the world (documented fact by the DEA) so your theory about THC being diminished by rain is also incorrect.

I'm not attacking you, but I am calling you on your misinformation. I don't have anything against you though so hopefully you don't take this offensively.

If you're ever in Maui you're welcome to check out some good outdoor buds that have been grown under tropical sun with tropical rain and volcanic soil and see for yourself.

I don't have a macro lens, but here's a couple shots of plants that were grown during the wettest year in 40 years. FYI, you can click on the images to see them full-size if you are still unable to see the tricomes:

Bay 11. Very good smoke and a real crowd pleaser. Grown during a very wet winter.
View attachment 3253763

Kali Mist. Notice the resin drop on one of the highest leaves. Also my favorite strain of all time. Grown during a very wet spring.
View attachment 3253766
Local no name strain that will tear your head off (just a statement, not a judgement). It smells amazing and is ridiculously potent. Grown during a very wet spring
View attachment 3253767
Kali Mist. Favorite strain of mine again. I've got a couple amazing phenos of this. Grown during a very wet spring.
View attachment 3253765

This is a pure sativa strain from Malawi that's been curing for six months so it not as green as it would be fresh, but it's still frosty. It's very potent and has a unique smell; something like parsley, hamburger grease and honey, no joke. Somehow that still makes for a scent that I really enjoy. Grown during a very wet winter.
View attachment 3253774
Great post, great info. Thank you for awesome reply, heading to maui after harvest!
I'm camping at the grow and still someone has BIG FREAKING BALLS. Got a couple nice 4 footers, and they cut one in half last night. First time was 4 days ago just a bud, didn't even give it a second thought, now same perfect clip on plant, I know it was someone, the same person.

Don't know how, I was 10 feet away, sober the whole time. Plus it's all fenced in with one way in and out right next to my tent.

I'm pissed.

What's the laws in Colorado about protection. Can I fire shots next time they come back ( you know they will)? Not really interested in shooting anyone but much less interested in being robbed and not to mention I'm on my private property here.

Any suggestions ideas advice please!
Get a dog
Caught the kid coming back last night, scared him shitless, really young and dumb he won't come back though
I was going to suggest a moat and sharks with laser beams attached to their foreheads, but it looks like you handled the situation without them. So, how'd you scare him?
I was going to suggest a moat and sharks with laser beams attached to their foreheads, but it looks like you handled the situation without them. So, how'd you scare him?
Was just digging a moat and shopping online for mountable lasers. Call me Dr. Evil.

Treated his ass like a deer. Found his trail, waited watching, saw him coming up, let him enter and then pow, he was on the ground before he knew I was there. He was very very young, however I just thoroughly explained what would happen to his body if it was ever on my land again and let him go a few minutes after he started crying. Where I am there is no one for him to tell to take over for him. I'm pretty sure I know mom and dad but we can keep it between ourselves for now. If he comes back now I have no more pity don't care how old he is.
Here's hoping you taught the youngster some valuable lessons he will remember for a long and healthy lifetime.

If he's still too stupid not to do it again, drag him home and chew his folks out in front of him. THAT will do it!
so did the guy at the pawn shop who sold me a shotgun messed up and not have me fill out the correct paperwork? because I was definitely a medical marijuana holder before I was a shotgun owner. Both in CO

its not that you CANNOT GET A GUN.. its that.. when they find out your have a medical operation.. and a GUN.. the charges get in the FELONY status. instead..

alot of states dont even look for medical mj.. with gun shit.. because laws stating that your medical records are CONFIDENTIAL.. in some states they get a list of people with med cards from the sheriff.. and or elsewere..

the people who really CARE are ATF.. and the FEDS.. they love stringing together a GUN CHARGE. and MARIJUANA GROW in 1 MEDIA REPORT or NEW PAPER ARTICLE lol..

just becareful man.. u dont wana do a bunch of time for something you prolly will never end up using to defend yourself.