got my shed robbed


Your garden variety burglar doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

I'd be surprised if this punk even has a permanent address.

A lawsuit would be an expensive/time consuming exercise in futility. You simply can't squeeze blood from a stone.

when you say "robbed" i think you mean "theft".
did you see them steal it? if no, then it was "theft".
if you saw them and they had gun, knife, etc, or just used threats and or intimidation it would be robbery.

dont think the little bastard would be interested whether i described it as robbery or theft
I want a sign like that!!! Where can i get one? (if you want mail me)
I really want that sign, also it may be colt or beretta because i like those designs to.. maybe even taurus...
I seen them in the family dollar a few years ago they might still have them
bullshit jj
2nd amendment
AND I grow

What state are you in? Here in Cali the DA's tend to see things a little differently.

All that gun flashing will only get you into trouble. People who try to use guns for intimidation & show, are FOOLS!

A gun is a last resort.

I mean Very last resort, only after you tried begging for your life.

When the jury hears the last words spoken, they will be me saying, "Please don't hurt me!";-)

Good luck!

I want a sign like that!!! Where can i get one? (if you want mail me)
I really want that sign, also it may be colt or beretta because i like those designs to.. maybe even taurus...
How about this one?



  • worthdyingfor.jpg
    56.2 KB · Views: 13
That's a great one JO, but I can see that on the nightly news, even after a righteous shoot, that sign would be problematic.
thats fucked up bro, i wudda got his name from the cop and payed him a visit the next night..
but karma is a mutha fucka that lil bastard will probly get nut cancer or somthing =) lol
That's a great one JO, but I can see that on the nightly news, even after a righteous shoot, that sign would be problematic.
Not really. No actual holes in that sign. Just a highly visceral warning.

It would make me think twice, but then again, my IQ is measurable.