Got my Spin Pro


Well-Known Member
I first heard about Spin Pro in a thread a few weeks ago. Checked it out on youtube and decided I wanted to give it a try. I got lucky and landed one on eBay for $267 shipped.
I disagree with the naysayers about Spin Pro. I think it does an awesome job, even if you do have to "finish up" a few nugs occasionally.
It even does an adequate job on my LSD colas. This is a very strange pheno I have. The buds, and especially the big colas, grow like no other strain I've seen. Instead of buds forming large calyxes there are these strands of them. Very weird. But great weed! Anyway, the Spin Pro even gets in among those fairly well.
I give the Spin Pro a thumbs up. Not sure I'd pay $500 for one, although having used one I believe it is worth that. You should be able to get one much cheaper though.
Mine is the genuine article too, not a knock off.


I got a Knock off and it has cut my trimming time more than in half and works great. Awesome time saver on the lower stuff that is no fun to trim and takes forever.


Well-Known Member
ive been thinking about getting one,but they really shouldnt be as expensive as they are.
they seem to do a good job,as long as you dont over pack them.i fucking hate trimming,so i probably will get one.i'll just do the cola's by hand.


Well-Known Member
I gotta admit they look cool and I like the idea of them, but they're just to pricey for my budget. For now I just pick the leaves off by hand, then follow it up with a quick trim. I can clear a good corn size cola in about 10 seconds and spend another 15 on cleaning them up with a pair of Fiskars.

Years ago I used to trim the whole bud with scissors, but that takes forever, and just gums them up to quick to be productive. Plus when you pull the leaves off by hand, you get the hash sticking to your fingers. After a short while you can stop, peel the hash off and roll it into ball. You can smoke it right then and there or save it for later. All the sugar hash and concentrates

I've bought in LA dispensaries have never come close to the fresh untreated hash I get from trimming. Not trying to be a downer, because I grow outdoors too, and I can totally see the value in one of these Spin Fan. Just personally it's hard for me to justify buying one.


Well-Known Member
My local grow shop has knockoffs (the ones with a clear dome) for $199. You can also get them on eBay, not sure of the cost these days.

Been using mine for a while now, real time saver. A decent sized plant takes me about an hour. I only end up using the machine for about half of the bud. Some buds are just perfect for it, y'know? Others are done with just a snip or two, so I do that and throw it into the "done" bucket instead of the machine. Other really small stuff I just pluck off without trimming and throw in the hash bucket. I also do some really big colas by hand.


I personally use something similar, but it's homemade like this

I usually go back and snip and trim little bits off after I hang them up, but that's no problem and smart growers who care about quality should do it anyways, no matter how they trim.


Well-Known Member
Just got one a few days ago. The only downside I seen is that the crank comes off so there is no way to just grab the top to pick it up. So I will super glue the crank handle on the thing so when I flip the top to set it aside and put it on a bucket when I take the dome off the bowl it won't fall off and I will attach a couple of small drawer handles on the side of the dome so I can grab it and take the top off easily. On top of trimming and saving time it collects all of the trimmings which before I lost a lot of trimmings to the floor.


Well-Known Member
I got one of these trimmers...the handle skips outta the box...e-mails ignored and it arrived a day after we left for our fall fishing trip so the refund period was pretty much over by the time I picked it up...any help to repair this would be great...;)


Well-Known Member
so I took the 12mm 12pt 1/2" drive socket and have a friend getting a 6pt socket...further investigation reveals an electric motor that runs on 24VDC...would a 12VDC power supply hurt....what would one expect using a 12VDC power supply???



Well-Known Member
I'm not an electronics expert, but I tinker. Experience tells me that you can expect exactly nothing to occur when trying to run a 24VDC motor with 12VDC.


Well-Known Member
So the handle was missing, and you think you might replace it with a motor? They do have motorized ones, but I doesn't take that many turns to do a batch y'know? Make sure the motor doesn't turn too fast though, you want some control over it. I'd just put a ratchet on it and use it for a handle lol


Well-Known Member
the handle was not was skipping...hence the trim blades were not turning...I applied a 110 to 12v supply to the motor and it did turn...not sure if it will turn with the gears applied...will know more in a bit when the socket comes also has a rheostat to control the speed of the motor...will post up more as I learn more...;))